My brain often enters “read only” mode. No new information can be entered, but it will happily tell you all about random factoid 3,076 without being directly prompted.
Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
My brain often enters “read only” mode. No new information can be entered, but it will happily tell you all about random factoid 3,076 without being directly prompted.
I ain’t enabling it lol. I just ain’t playing their game. They usually learn to communicate better after a few times of trying the silent treatment and realizing that shit dont work on me.
“I guess we are all good now so I’m gonna go back to playing my games with my friends” 2 hours later “I can’t believe you just ignored me and talked with your friends while I sat here!”
If I ask if everything is all good and you say yes I am going to believe you and walk away lol.
Yeah I remember those.
I don’t know what people seem to only want entirely unsweetened or super diabetic sweetened. Why can’t anyone offer a slightly sweet drink.
I’m telling you it’s a conspiracy by big sugar.
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
Yeah slack is better, but teams isn’t exactly bad.
Laziness. The cans are convenient. I don’t wanna hog up fridge space with a huge jug of liquid that only I would be drinking.
Maybe when I’m living in my own again I’ll get some liquid dispenser thing that lives in my fridge and I’ll just have to figure out the ratio of sugar to tea that I like best.
Yeah the cost is definitely too high, but around where I live it’s not that much worse than other tea of equal quality.
Honestly at this point I’m tempted to start my own drinks brand that is literally just Arizona iced tea with like 10% of the sugar content.
I have only tried their blood orange tea (and I love it so much), but they have a small amount of caffeine (like 40mg) so be aware of that if you’re caffeine sensitive.
Everyone I have let try the tea has asked to have a can or two so I’ve burned through my initial supply a little faster than I was hoping.
I have been searching for a mildly sweetened tea for most of my life and I am so happy to have something between unsweetened tea and liquid diabetes tea (I love the south but that stuff barely counts as tea come on y’all).
I recently found a very mildly sweetened tea and I’ve been in love. Tall can and only 7 grams of sugar. I can drink them all day and I don’t feel like I’m going to enter into a diabetic coma like I do after one sip of Arizona tea.
Problem is they aren’t cheap and they only give you free shipping on the first batch… Not sure I am willing to spend the money on getting them consistently which sucks. I need to find somewhere local and stock up.
I learned how to edit text pixel by pixel in paint 3d.
I had been skipping out on classes and while I was technically still passing my grades weren’t high enough for something my family was doing so I just made a few minor edits. I don’t even remember what it was for. Probably a ski trip or something.
They never found out lol.
I used my pixel level editing skills to get a few friends outta some things or into some things.
I’m one of the few people who liked paint 3d I guess.
I used to live in a wood burning house growing up. Unfortunately someone has to get up and stoke the fire a bit before people wanna get up in order for the house to be warm in the morning.
Set your heater to kick on an hour before you get up. You get to sleep cozy in the cold and then wake up to a room where it isn’t painful to accidentally touch something metal lol.
You ever just… Pick up a kink on accident?
It’s ok I totally understand. I had a woman stab me in the thigh with an exacto knife while we were having sex once. I her defense she did ask me if I was into blood play and I said sure because I was already inside of her at that point and I figured that would be something for me to deal with down the line.
Nope. She did it that shit immediately. And then I remembered that she was excitedly telling me about her black waterproof sheets (which I foolishly thought was just for her squirting) when I had arrived that day. Suddenly it all made sense.
Anyway it turns out I found blood play is not not hot. Idk if I would do it again persay but I wasn’t turned off by it when it happened lol.
I’ll never understand the foot fetish people, but I’m happy for em. It’s weird to me but ultimately harmless in the grand scheme of things to have a kink for lol.
I don’t even think we can fault Zuck for looking. Even robot lizards were wondering why the fuck she wasn’t wearing an actual shirt over that bra lol
Unlike men there is no erection that needs to be maintained for continuous “sex” to take place. Now some people will argue that foreplay and aftercare count towards total time taken to boink, but no matter how you slice it there is a bit of a running joke that some lesbians can sorta just have sex all day.
I mean this whole thought experiment is based on hypotheticals in the first place. I never go anywhere completely unarmed and with my knife that I always carry I could absolutely kill many coyotes.
Many people also conceal carry which would probably change the matchup to something much larger like a wild cat. I know handgun calibers generally only serve to piss off large game like bears and moose so it would probably top out somewhere around a mountain lion if we are allowing what some of us normally daily carry.
Remember when you could download limewire pro using limewire? Those were the days.
Every other song I downloaded was actually just bill Clinton’s speech: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”