When Microsoft forced the grouped windows in windows 11 I was crazy. Luckily some hobbyists in their spare time fixed what the multibillion corporation with hundreds of thousands of engineers was unable to do in over two years (explorerpatcher)
When Microsoft forced the grouped windows in windows 11 I was crazy. Luckily some hobbyists in their spare time fixed what the multibillion corporation with hundreds of thousands of engineers was unable to do in over two years (explorerpatcher)
Well for me it’s the opposite. I set once my settings with the domain group policy a decade ago and in every single windows PC that I own I have the perfect settings from the out of the box experience as soon as the first login
And no need to set 30 key remaps with karabiner
For me an os needs to do basic stuff by default, not by adding a billion 3rd party apps that inevitably break the next os update because they were using undocumented apis
Clipboard history, window snapping, showing a separate icon for every instance of a window (same app in 3 windows makes 3 icons on the taskbar), preview what that window is by hovering that.
Sure, you can do that with (mostly paid) third party apps, but I don’t like wasting 3 days on setting an operating system in an usable state
Same for me. I can’t stand the weird keyboard combinations and I totally hate that I need to watch a 1 second eyecandy animation when I put a window in full screen.
Copium needs to justify spending $800 for 2tb of SSD or $400 for 8 GB of ram like if we still were in the early 2010s
The guy sitting between Putin and mbs is the president of FIFA
one candidate must be perfectly immaculate and nit-picked on the smallest detail while the other can do and say what the fuck he wants
i just tried it on zorin os and it just wanted
libdouble-conversion3 libgraphicsmagick+±q16-12 libgraphicsmagick-q16-3 libmd4c0 libmng2 libpcre2-16-0 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 libqt5gui5 libqt5network5 libqt5printsupport5 libqt5svg5 libqt5widgets5 libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-xinput0 photoflare qt5-gtk-platformtheme qt5-image-formats-plugins qttranslations5-l10n
maybe that’s a windows thing
For years I assumed he was just a student in college arguing for something and not an actual POS 😢
Most keyboard shortcuts are illogical (=differ too much from Linux/Windows) and too often require 3+ keys
Of course if you’re used to “Ctrl+shift+command+3” to do a screenshot instead of just pressing the dedicated button on the keyboard and feel it natural, this doesn’t apply to you