here’s one, conservative but funny
here’s one, conservative but funny
right wing but funny tbh
they often take shots at republicans, it’s quite funny tbh. They are not neutral, but sure as hell are funny
would have been better if Dianne Feinstein was holding Bernie’s hands :')
edit: Seems like it’s too late for this now
this is racist against black people
could not upload the video for some reason, some bug!
Collective Action Problem is not a joke jim, Billions of people suffer every year
you are right, this is not funny
google for subrehab reddit,
No, I am saying our minds are set to see patterns and had this been a completely white crew (even if they weren’t their solely because of skin color) the story’s coverage would have been seen as racist. Since there are brown people over there, it doesn’t fit the pattern and is no longer seen as racist.
I am just saying, we sometimes recognize patterns that quite frankly aren’t there.
PS: I don’t agree with what the meme is implying, but it’s funny anyway. I mean, if the submersible didn’t have two pakistanis in it, people who cared about the submersible would have been deemed racist because they only care about the submersible because it was filled with well-off white men. And I am saying this as a brown man :) I cared more about the story because it had two Pakistanis in it. I can only imagine it would get good coverage in a country with majority white people.
can’t help, the map was drawn by Comrade Putin
Rumor has it that the deposits far outnumber the withdrawals :')
Seriously, post directly to the website, don’t bother to post it on another image hosting site.
There was one headline once which read Donald Trump rejects accusations he’s a nazi by showing his rejection letter. Doesn’t seem that mild to me.