Well the first one is just a normal Tuesday. Still likely effected by global warming, but not really disasters like the other three.
Well the first one is just a normal Tuesday. Still likely effected by global warming, but not really disasters like the other three.
Then a member of that private security has a loved one get a claim denied. Then where are we? Right here again.
Here in Alberta the Hiways have ribs in the centre and ether side. You can drive in your lane by “feel” even when covered in snow.
No, not without taking an optional class in high school
Yeap, and yet we are not building anything that is not large semi or detached homes. Here there is no subsidies (current or planed) for building apartments we desperately need and instead our providential government blames municipalities for “red tape” causing issues with builders. You can talk to builders, they don’t want to manage buildings and they build what makes them money, its not rocket science.
Yeah that was great. Truly the actor most suited for these times.
Hey, Nick Cage is an icon.
Yes, please move to those places. I would love to house everyone, and would pay greatly to do so. But as we can see the political landscape really does not currently allow such acts.
Yeah, really hope you can figure something out. We both know you are not safe.
No I was talking about how we have a housing crisis and people are freezing to death on the streets, and lets be fair even the “ones who want nothing to do with trump” are still way right of center in a global sense.
Please go someplace warm instead.
Hello floored, I am to say it lightly “disappointed”
Please pick another place then here to go. We have enough Americans and your problems.
Supply Alcohol to Minors.
That is great but you can’t move the shares to another dead person (in the show both he and his parents are assumed dead for years) so we are meant to think that they where held in trust, for who? Also while yes the board can force out a chair, but in the case of owning a controlling majority of the business (as stated) this would be pointless and silly, like in my Musk example the entire board would be sent packing. The writing was so poor that it strained my confidence in my own knowledge of basic corporate structure.
He was the Chair, the board “voted” him and 2 others out (somehow). The show states he got the controlling majority of voting shares from his father (also makes little sense since he was assumed dead but that is another gripe). He did not sell any shares as he is later returned to his position, this was just bad writing so they could have him be “poor” for a bit. This was a plot point about how it was his company but then written so poorly they seemed to forget how they set up the fictional company (ie. a private company where the majority of class A shares is held by one person). This would be like if elon musk (Kirkland brand Dr. evil) was booted from space X, everyone would be super confused as to how.
So yeah, this was the end of comic book movies for me, it killed it. They wrote something so bad that the only thing that sticks with me to this day is the hot mess of corporate structure.
The Iron fist show had me livid when the MC gets “voted” out by the board of the company the MC OWNS A MAJORITY OF!!
Really around here they have made a come back
I think I would unironically like this. I mean Bourbon is OK, but its not the mash up of chicken and burning promised above.
Well it is now.