You don’t want Jensen Ackles to represent the “bad” choice.
she/her, A(u?)DHD, German (linksgrünversifft), fanartist. Likes Doctor Who a normal amount. Also other nerdy BS. 🖖⚛️🦄🐙🦖🎮🗾
✨ #fckafd #fckcdu #fckmrz ✨
You don’t want Jensen Ackles to represent the “bad” choice.
The best bad guys are those who actually kind of have a point there, hm.
Everything Robotnik says is Truth and/or too good for this movie. You will not convince me that Jim Carrey, “artistic consultant”, did not write his own lines - nobody was able to tell him no. It was either that or explicit Robotnik/Stone.
Learn and practice some self control.
Yeah. Just… Do the thing, y’know? Just do it. Press the button to self control. Also, stop being poor.
You mean, stupid because I didn’t do that when I was 15 years younger?
She IS very good at masking her depravity.
Monster fucker. #FlutterCord
Almost as if what’s in the photo, for all we know, might be strawberry mush.
The original original post.
Listen, I know that the FDA in the US is banning that one type of red dye - even though I’m not from the US. That’s how unavoidable the topic is if you’re just a little too online. That’s the cultural context. Now show me in the original post where it says “red dye”.
The post is about sauce that happens to be red. The post cleverly avoids saying “food dye” and everybody just assumes it must be about food dye because of cultural context.
My main point being that not every food that is red has artificial food dye in it.
I have ADHD and probably also the 'tism and I’ve never felt like hurting others or myself after eating sauce that happened to be red because it contained red ingredients. After eating anything, really, for that matter.
There may also be evidence of certain red foods being red because of ingredients other than red food dye.
You just need to learn to curate your feed.
The fuck are you on about? Where is any of this in your original post? What does it have to do with anything?
“Meme” is not another word for “joke”.
Not in almost all of what he says and thinks and does, true. The part about humanity being very, very bad for the planet, that’s a notion I can get behind.