Think the difference there is that the invoices of the guy from the article were actually fake invoices for real things
Think the difference there is that the invoices of the guy from the article were actually fake invoices for real things
Not sure where you’re looking, but it costs around 430€ here in the Czech Republic
Well maybe now they aren’t flying off shelves anymore ;)
Sorry to hear that.
Point was, that child’s childhood sucked ass for sure, a lot more than the average person’s
You’ll probably enjoy your life 5x more than the kid though.
And you most likely enjoyed your childhood at least 10x more
Jesus Christ then don’t use it if you mind, but overall, it’s the best solution for keeping track of people’s phone numbers.
You’re saying kill it but not offering a better choice, you’ll never accomplish anything like this.
A. I’m not saying it doesn’t, I’m just disputing what you said about onchain txs.
B. CCs are much less anonymous, making engaging in fraud much riskier. If you did this 10 times your bank would notice, adds up for you. If you do it with an anonymous system, you’re forgotten the second you walk out of the store (barring being caught on camera but you can solve that by wearing a mask or something).
I do see your point, but I don’t think it’s an apples to apples comparison.
Damn, how has no one done this yet?
Makes it a bit more annoying to parse, though I definitely see your point.
However, you’re still proposing a standard: “has to include both the currency and the amount in the parameter”, so why not split them up at that point?
Didn’t know it was this simple, that’s stupid.
I believe though that in today’s day and and of banking apps this should be very easily solvable with inapp confirmations
Let’s hope the old way dies
I’d suggest providing alternatives before killing the current best solution
Think the instant part is supposed to be “relative to status quo”. Comparing it taking hours-days and 10 seconds makes it seem instant
Nobody serious is ever gonna sell you anything without a block confirmation, that’s just delusional.
For a settlement with a friend, sure, but don’t tell me you believe you’ll walk out of a store before it hits at least 1 conf
It’s not a double spend if it hasn’t been confirmed yet, you can always replace-by-fee before it even makes it onchain
Main chain transactions should, on average, take around 6 minutes to confirm.
It’ll be seconds only if you’re very lucky.
Don’t wanna hate, crypto is hella cool, but overselling it won’t help anyone.
Edit: oh yeah, and lightning won’t confirm in microseconds, you’ve got your scales mixed up mate, it’s gonna be tens to hundreds of milliseconds, simply of your wifi’s latency.
Earth doesn’t have any bills though, dues to the United Federation of Planets are set to start in 2161 at the earliest