IMO steve woudn’t kill it on sight but collect it like some sort of SCP. The roundest object in the game: dragon egg isn’t destroyed by most players.
IMO steve woudn’t kill it on sight but collect it like some sort of SCP. The roundest object in the game: dragon egg isn’t destroyed by most players.
4D golf has thought me otherwise. I even begun imagining simple 4d object in my mind.
The Sword Eating Magician is an outlier and should not be counted.
#badbed at x-7 y-27
Lemmy really should be somehow connected to trugtrug webring
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” - Sun Tzu
I have studied the Corpus Culousum. I have pondered the Frontal Lobes. I have experienced the Amygdala. My brain no longer ruins my day.
POV: You have lactose intolerance
I need to google something.
Yes, this is funny.
Yellow = don’t touch it’s poisonus
edit: A cool frog indeed
! material right there
We carry on ! into the better future.
Where is my Bose-Gender Condensate
Stół z powyłamywanymi nogami.
Don’t worry guys Nijika aka Dorito will come and save the day
Are you putting it immiedietely in the sauce?
For me it sticks if I don’t rinse it and leave it alone for later.
Stirring doesn’t matter. The rinse after really matters for it to not stick together. (I had displeasure of eating a portion from 15kg of pasta slab that had no chance of proper rinse, bottom was charred)
a) on mobile it doesn’t work as good as on desktop at all
2) It crashed my firefox on desktop
10/10 will read it again
This is an ad that you 100% missed
I think I can but I can’t really be sure that what we imagined is true. I can imagine 2+2=5 but it isn’t true.
Also there is aphantasia and whole gradient of imagining capabilities. What if only a subset of humans can imagine 4d objects.
My workflow: imagine a cube, imagine a second cube offset by 4D unit. connect the verticies.