If my 3D printer has a problem, it’s not working properly.
When my 2D printer throws a fit, it’s because it’s doing its job of being a vicious piece of shit perfectly.
Important difference.
Ask me about kumquats.
If my 3D printer has a problem, it’s not working properly.
When my 2D printer throws a fit, it’s because it’s doing its job of being a vicious piece of shit perfectly.
Important difference.
Edit #2: ICE is a type of train in germany. I mistook “ICE cars” as meaning trains and was wondering how flying is supposed to be more efficient than trains. Hence my confusion.
OG comment (invalid, see Edit #2): Where are these numbers coming from?
I cannot find any source for the 3-4l/passenger/km claim. I cannot find any source for the claim that planes are more efficient. Nothing comes even near this claim.
Can you please provide a source?
Edit #1: I just want to add that my old combustion car (VW Up! / Seat Mii / Skoda Citigo) burned around 4.2l/100km. So I according to you, if I had another person with me, I’d beat both planes and trains with what stands uncontested as the most inefficient form of transport?
I’m too lazy to look up the numbers, but I think the premise of this argument is rather weak.
Money spend on social welfare, vastly improves poor people’s lives. When you spend it on corporate welfare, the money tends to go into the pockets of people who are already pretty comfortable.
This is a simplification of a multifaceted issue, but by and large I think this holds a lot more water than just comparing numbers.
Also: There was a pandemic in the time period given, so there might be some selection bias.
This image is so old I had it on my mp3 player, when I was a kid. (Don’t ask why, we’ll both just cringe) He just has very thick legs, so he can do all the cool parkouring, I imagined him doing, while sitting in the backseat of my parents car, listening to Nightwish and Subway To Sally.
…man, this post is bringing back some memories.
Here’s a source from 2004: https://www.deviantart.com/nimrais/art/Watching-You-7066378