It’s not just that. Most people here are into far left, anti-capitalist bs and people don’t care to deal with that
It’s not just that. Most people here are into far left, anti-capitalist bs and people don’t care to deal with that
Then repeat this process every few months the device decides it needs to ask the password of you again. Not playing this game
I’m a student; Unions are great; the meme is just shit
Make something that’s actually funny?
Superbly shitty meme, wow
It’s not like i’d have a choice. I envy anyone who can just wake up during the night for anything short of an absolute emergency.
When my puppy was smaller and not yet potty trained, i did sometimes wake up to poop on my floor… but i was awoken by my alarm and not by the smell. So I ain’t even noticing pooping or puking in the middle of the night.
Dude, if my dog pooped in my room during the night and by some miracle i woke up to notice that, there is no way in hell I can raise the strength to stand up and go clean
I can’t believe i never thought of this.
It was in fact hemorrhaging money. They have been cash flow negative for quite some time now, with steadily decreasing assets. While they recently have been decreasing their short term debts, they have also been accumulating long term debt to such a degree, that in Q1 2022 their cash/debt ratio became negative.
All this long term debt must be becoming an increasing problem during the current economic climate.
No matter what you think of Musk, radical changes were absolutely necessary.
Resistance is not futile!
And none of these make any difference, even if you could force 10.000 people to do the same
The fact that people who can produce brain farts like you are allowed to vote, should tell everyone why pure democracy cant work.
You clearly have no idea what a brain interface is.
I absolutely would. I’d not line up to be among the first, but controlling devices via a brain interface is an inevitable step of technological evolution.
It will provide such an immense performance boost, that many professions may become unattainable without having one. Possibly within our lifetime.
Which should have been the expected response. Extremism can only ever create more extremism on the other end of the spectrum.
The only thing those street gluers achieve is the exact opposite of their goal.
Dont use plastic straws, drive public transport or bike, buy bio food, donate to orgs, glue yourself to the street
and maybe… just maybe… you will change fuck all
That “usually nothing bad happens” will have to do.