More or less the same you’d have working for Grumen or Lockheed. NASA wind tunnels were often critical tools in developing more efficient drone designs, for example. The product is the data, and you get no say in how that data is used.
More or less the same you’d have working for Grumen or Lockheed. NASA wind tunnels were often critical tools in developing more efficient drone designs, for example. The product is the data, and you get no say in how that data is used.
Currently have a contractor offer from NASA I’m probably going to turn down for a mom and pop electrical repair company lmao
Doesn’t take much to be principled.
Well that’s not true. It’s just a real bitch. As a welder, helium leak check is about the toughest damn QC to pass. Most welding QC has some reasonable margin for error during inspection, but the damn helium doesn’t care. You can have a beautiful weld with a tiny imperfection at the start or end and it’ll piss helium just as badly as an entirely scuffed bead.
Welder here. Aluminum oxide inhalation is correlated with an increased risk for alzheimers, not cancer. Hexavalent chromium is a carcinogen, and that comes from heating up stainless steels. So you are actively replacing a relatively non toxic oxide with the potential for an actually toxic carcinogenic gaseous metal, assuming your pocket knife is some sort of stainless steel (statistically very likely).
This has always struck me as a dumb argument. Before “intellectual property” innovation was just technological advancement. Patenting is just enabling punishment against actual innovators. I am a welder. I make things. If I set out to make a stove, I don’t give a shit who patented what fuel distribution system or air intake methodology, I’m gonna make a damn stove. The entire concept of being able to exclusively “own” a design or concept is reductive to human learning as a whole.
YouTube premium comes for free with my Google music subscription. Or the other way around. Idk
See, I’m reading this while contemplating buying the space marine 2 pre-order so I can bring justice to heretics before I realize the game has flaws at all.
They were the “still cheap but not horrendous trash” option compared to husky at the local home despot last time I looked, which admittedly was a few years back.
It depends on what you’re doing. Metabo makes the best angle grinders. DeWalt makes the most reliable hand drills. Milwaukee is affordable. Imo best bang for your buck is good used tools. S&K made the best rachet set in the world for a time. Starrett and Mitutoyo stuff used to be practically bulletproof. Most modern brands don’t hold a candle to the quality of tools made 40-50 years ago
Needs the “we care ❤️ 🌈” flag on the right side in the rubble somewhere
Best workplace safety sign I ever saw was a high voltage lockout that said to the effect of “not only will this kill you, it will hurt the entire time you are dying”. Death is not always a sufficient motivator
Nahhhhhh we had a black guy once. Can’t have a black Hitler. Would kamala be the black Irma grese then? Pretty sure you can totally have a black Irma grese
She repeatedly fought to keep non violent criminals locked up in inhumane conditions explicitly for their labor capacity. CA makes big money selling slave labor @ $0.75/hr paid to the inmate.
She is descended from Jamaican slave owners, probably with slave ancestry mixed in. You’d think it’d be an easy slam dunk win for hee to eradicate slavery in the US but the money too good. She got bought.
Kamala is literally a Hitler. Woman openly laughs at forced labor prisoner slavery. The difference between the actual nazis and her office as DA is that they targeted blacks and browns instead of jews. Idk why so many cucks are fangirling over her rn
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For a long time, Germany treated any mention of nazis or depictions of swastikas as basically infohazards, scp style. You can’t become the fascist if you don’t know what a fascist is, or so the thinking went. Imo a lot of what was really happening was German guilt and attempting to hide history from their youth.
Socialist detected. Calling in an airstrike!
That’s why you’re getting ratiod and I’m objectively correct. clearly propaganda lmfao
Earth will be fine. Whether or not people will be able to survive living on it is an entirely different story.