I, too, watched “Staplerfahrer Klaus” - great documentary.
I, too, watched “Staplerfahrer Klaus” - great documentary.
since we are talking about bees, naturally they are Icosahedrons.
Only my best friends call me “Pudding”. Welcome to my circle of friends. ☺️
The average bee has a volume of 0.15 cm³.
A 2025 Toyota Corolla has an interior space of 2.05 m³.
How many bees would fit into the Toyota corolla? Please show your calculation and answer in full sentences.
I can see the video where someone with a microphone asks people on the street:
“More and more households in the US are implementing gender neutral bathrooms, what is your opinion on this?”
As if they would ever let you enter V.A.G.I.N.A
They could have slapped a bad dragon on there
This isn’t even loss 😡
The only time I tip with counter service is when something is like 3,80€ and I give them 4€ in coins.
At that point, I usually just go “keep it”
If you don’t have a partner, you’re bi yourself.
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as vegan, is in fact, GNU/vegan, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus vegan.
Now I am imagining a nuclear powered magic wand.
Me too (I have brain damage)
or “A German why their grandpa moved to Argentina”
“is from Argentina” sounds like they moved the other way around.
He got better? That’s nice to hear, very uplifting.