I can only recommend Randall Munroe’s books “what if”, " how to" and “what if 2”. They are really entertaining comedy.
I can only recommend Randall Munroe’s books “what if”, " how to" and “what if 2”. They are really entertaining comedy.
“There’s an xkcd for that”
this comic uses a log scale (I extrapolate this from the only two data points given).
I remember the popups asking to start paying or they will delete my account, I’ve always let them run out and my account got renewed for free for another year, until they made it entirely free.
That was common practice, I genuinely don’t know anyone that actually paid the fee.
That’s right. At the sea lion show, apparently.
now you wont be able to un-notice. :)
I like how the logo on their shirts resembles hands “groping” a peach.
no one on 4chan knows this.
That’s exactly something someone would write on a plaque or stone to try to prevent people from stealing their valuables.
It’s coarse and rough and irritating… and it gets everywhere.
they probably wouldn’t grant me the rank of master anways…
It’s the square cutout on the ears that absolutely sells it.
you are correct, I’ve changed the translation accordingly to make it more accurate.
for a wolf in sheep’s clothing, they are doing a very bad job of trying to hide they are a wolf. It’s more like an obvious wolf only trying to fake sheep’s noises, and even that they do badly.
“Der Grund, warum wir von kulturfremden Völkern wie Arabern, Sinti und Roma etc. überschwemmt werden, ist die systematische Zerstörung der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft als mögliches Gegengewicht von Verfassungsfeinden, von denen wir regiert werden. Diese Schweine sind nichts anderes als Marionetten der Siegermächte des 2. Weltkrieges und haben die Aufgabe, das deutsche Volk klein zu halten indem molekulare Bürgerkriege in den Ballungszentren durch Überfremdung induziert werden sollen.”
“The reason we are flooded with people of different cultures like Arabs, Romani People etc. is the systematic destruction of the civil society as a possible counterweight to the enemies of our consitution that govern us. Those pigs are nothing but puppets for the victors of World War 2 and their job is to keep the german people down by inducing civil wars through foreign domination in areas of high population density”
Where is Waldo Olaf?
That one, I wasn’t a big fan of. But maybe that’s because I am not a native English speaker. Maybe its better for native speakers.