Douch or turd sandwich?
Douch or turd sandwich?
I had a friend bring up this very topic this weekend and I replied “What would be more creepy and more likely is that the ad giants have algorithms for working out what you’ll buy that are that good that they know what you want before you do and you’re just noticing how good it is”
I got 2 expensive (over £30) ones and the worst one became my travel cube. My cheap but decent cube is my work cube. Work in a factory so I have to not give a single fuck about it.
Thing is, now it’s just sat in my pocket at work for 6 months it’s actually pretty decent. When I bought it and tried to make it decent I couldn’t. It’s like the grease and silicone has made it a half decent cube
Makes sense since the internet is made of cats https://youtu.be/zi8VTeDHjcM
I’m into home automation and self hosting services and the only time I go to Reddit is when a Google search of something I’m researching takes me there.
I don’t log in (which sometimes fucks me, weed subreddits for example need a sign in for ages verification) so if I have to log in I just nope out, and I will actively try to not use Reddit if I can help it.
Honestly the short answer is practice.
Long answer is also practice, but with information lol.
I spent a long time moving from 2 look to 1 look (oll and pll) using this website https://jperm.net/algs/pll I’ve linked the PLL but there’s OLL there too.
On this page I learned as many of these as I could. You can click on the picture and change the status from unlearned to learning to learned, then go to the trainer and you can select those 3 statuses and it will show only things you’ve selected. You can also click on the alg to get alternatives or even put your own alg in.
So I’ve gone to that page and set an alg as training, then just practiced that one alg until I have it in muscle memory. I aimed at trying to get each type of alg learned, so corners are there, or middles need moving, or headlights are there, or even that there is no pattern.
I was advised to learn PLL first then OLL algorithms, but I kinda picked out the patterns I see most in both, or algs that seemed the simplest first. So I have been learning both together and working from easiest to remember to hardest, and also making my own up for the ones that are most complicated.
This meant that I could practice a few, then go and do solves and when the patterns I knew came up I’d get faster solves for those patterns.
Ok so that’s the big time saving out of the way, takes a lot to learn all the algorithms so it’ll take time. But there’s also taking time to plan your cross. That can save you a good chunk because there’s less head scratching when you start.
Then there’s the look ahead, which I’m only just getting. I did a lot of slow solves to get this in my brain and it’s quite big. This is what I’m practicing to get from my 40second average down to 25
So as you’re solving a corner and edge into the corner, once you have it set up into a 3 move insert, you don’t need to look at it anymore. It’s 3 loves to insert, so instead of looking at it as you put it in, you have to train yourself to look for the next 2 pieces you’re putting together.
While your learning the OLL and PLL and just doing solves (not training algs), when you get one you don’t know, try and alg you do know on it. Sometimes this changes your top pattern to an easier pattern that you can solve. It’s like a stopgap 2 look (pll or oll). Eventually as you learn all the algs you’ll find that you can “wing it” with some of the harder algorithms by just doing a couple of easier ones, which is all the harder ones are anyway, a couple of easier algs with a connecting move in the middle.
Hope all that helps. I’d also advise you have a “travel cube.”
I have an extra cube that lives in the pocket of my leather jacket (yes I’m a metal-head Dad, doesn’t quite fit the stereotype does it?) and it comes in useful when I’m stuck in a queue, or at the Dr waiting room or A and E (or emergency care as it’s called in the US). This allows me to cube instead of whipping my phone out when I have time to kill out of the house.
I have up FaceFuck after Brexit and the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
They brainwashed people into voting against their own interests by “Targeted Advertising” which is basically brain washing.
Of course nothing came of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and I can’t do anything about that as a Plebian, so I just left.
I left Reddit when they took my favourite app. I used it to Doomscroll and that wasn’t great for my mental health, so it was a no-brainer
So Lemmy and only Lemmy for me. I got over my addiction to social media by taking up the Rubik’s Cube.
I’m currently working on getting an average solve under 30 seconds…
So if you use your social media time to do something productive instead, you can do some crazy shit
It’s Cock Nose
We are 138
We are 138
We are
I used to go to a metal club in my small town in Yorkshire, England, and get drunk and dance to stuff like this.
I also used to get beaten regularly because of the way I dressed.
So when Limp Bizkit played a gig last year in my small town in Yorkshire I had to go. It was fucking mental and I loved every second of it.
This year Korn are playing, can’t wait
It’s a none stop disco Bet ya it’s Nabisco Bet ya didn’t know woohoo
My arse quacks like a duck
Dune is a damn good book! I lost interest around book 3 though
I gave up Reddit and started on Lemmy, but also started speed cubing. Now when I have time to kill I’ll just get my cube out instead of mindlessly scrolling.
I can now on average, solve a Rubik’s cube in around 40 seconds.
Just an idea of how much time was consumed scrolling politics on Reddit
Mine is the default password for the first router I got when I moved out. It’s just 8 random letters, but they’re MY 8 random letters.
I change the password to it whenever we move supplier, along with the SSID, and all my IOT devices just jump back in
I jumped in on Outlook when it was starting up and got fristname.lastname@outlook.com. I still have a Hotmail account though
Absolutely the same. I needed an account for Red Alert or something like that (Total Annihilation?) and it’s still my gamer tag and screen name.
This happened because of an unintended backdoor into an end to end encrypted conversation.
The British Government are actively trying to get back doors put into end to end encryption by law.
They are doing this so they can spy on their own citizens to ostensibly make Britain safer.
But as you can see, it actually would make it less safe.
Yeah my wife’s Granny would buy me some every year. Then she died and now I don’t get socks at Christmas and it makes me sad. Not because I want socks, I want Granny Babs back