I’m going the opposite extreme. I have been looking at and day dreaming about getting an Isuzu N series 14Ft box truck. Just below the DOT limit. Maximum bed minimal cab.
Racing? Procrastinating more like it.
That fork has a lisp. And I can’t explain that.
I have a yahoo address with only five letters.
That is a bustle. Not her ass.
Til ear wax burns. (I do not have ear wax)
This was the first game I bought for my Sega Genesis.
Certain words over time become offensive and should no longer be used. I would ask you not to use the term “shareholders” I don’t believe it is appropriate. Try other terms that are more accurate and less offensive. For example “slave holders”, “Evil bastards”, or “Fucking capitalists scum ruining the world for everyone”.
Tomorrow’s headlines: Over 100 Russian doctors fall from same window.
I don’t think that would be game breaking at all.
To be fair I have a 5lb panther that can easily do 1d4 damage pouncing on me in my sleep.
My name is Lola Skumpy and I like totally approve this!
Nice try moopsy! Not drinking my bones today!
Now go watch this.
Yes, let’s by-pass the safety measures the driver has set up so we can distract them while they are driving.
To be honest that’s a really good price for a solid wood piece of furniture that looks to be in good shape.
Pretty sure that is true anywhere.
As a Network Engineer I only use Freecad.