I’d be satisfied with replacing the ad segment with some other video temporarily.
I’d be satisfied with replacing the ad segment with some other video temporarily.
That’s something like a cleaver, so it’s got a blunt tip that looks like it’s going through her blouse.
Okay, that was hilarious; thanks for that.
The great thing is, if everyone’s on the list, no one is!
The lowest tip value should be higher to reflect current tip pressuring tactics.
Thanks for answering the question before we could even ask.
The fact it’s almost believable is both real and a serious problem.
Considering I’ve seen a lot of gatekeeping morons go on about cultural appropriation without ever mentioning that, I think most don’t understand this crucial distinction.
Yeah, get out of here with that; this is the Internet.
And that still connects the engine directly to the wheels because old car makers loathe our dreams of real serial hybrids…
I haven’t even needed to pirate a game in decades. Does it still work the same way?
Thepiratebay guy made an art project at one point that was a Raspberry Pi that did nothing but copy one song over and over again while keeping a running tally on a display of how much value it had “stolen” from the record industry by doing so.
This was much more fun in the days of Fark.
I would love a real automat!
I didn’t know Chris (Simpsons artist) had a book and now I need it.
You mean Notepad++?
Unfortunately, the US Environmental Protection Agency (emphasis on mental) has rules in place regarding emissions per unit length of vehicle which effectively penalize manufacturers who make small vehicles.
How many years? Why is it pluralized?