actually the constant flood of trump post made comment less on reddit, i got tired of seeing all the time, and you also have to be extremely careful about commenting on any of sub to begin with.
actually the constant flood of trump post made comment less on reddit, i got tired of seeing all the time, and you also have to be extremely careful about commenting on any of sub to begin with.
i used a extension to delete all my comments and posts.
it took them to permaban multiple accts to come here, lol. and i also fled to another forum(one specifically how to evade the bans)_
and reddit is copying the same methods, retroactively banning people, additionally any old acct with comments that are also old can be reported by other users still.
the thought police.
also saying Luigi can be considered flagged too.
a qoute from marge simpsons, the french can be unpredictable" one minute thier kissing your hand, the next they are chopping your head off"
is that the source behind gamergate?there are quite a few right wing gamers on youtube.
He’s a gross perversion of eugenics, he’s quite obsessed with it. I always point out that’s he’s the alien in the second species movie. The alien infected human and wanted to fill the earth with his progeny
not as bad as technomechanius, and exa dark sidareal
strider sounds more normal than XAE, techno
i suspect vivian could be the only one, the one that musk hates.
he actually has a eugenics fetish, he wants to populate the earth with his children.
vivian is the woman that disowned him, because she came out as trans , and you know how musk feels about trans people. grimes also dated chelsea.
actually almost all of his "children"are done through IVF/surrogacy, he has a fetish with breeding so its like incubators for him
musk got lazy and called him X, instead of his full name.
it is, the others one are : EXA DARK sidareal musk, TECHNO MECHaNIUS MUSK,
Weed doesn’t make you all hyper, cocaine and alcohol fits the bill
i never got the hang of using fb, or instagram. only to check up a specfic person, i lose interest the moment it ask you to login.