Yeah I hear you I’m just saying those dudes are part of the proles and you need necessary to buy in from them in an organization for anything to really change.
Yeah I hear you I’m just saying those dudes are part of the proles and you need necessary to buy in from them in an organization for anything to really change.
That white collar supervisor is part of the proletarian. They are selling their labor to make a living.
You’re right about stratification of society based on income when it comes to us proles though. Some of us have nicer toys and living places but we still need to work to survive unlike the bourgeois that make their money by capital investment (ie: they make more money with the money they have and don’t actually need to labor).
Is this supposed to be a mango because it’s … Not? I’m over here trying to figure this shit out and it’s just another shitpost. More time I’ll never get back, how dare you.
Maybe they’re just like the ancient equivalent of the fancy expensive gaudy crystal pieces you can get today.
God so many better ways to spend $1800
They probably just have no practical purpose.
I mean, everyone has their hobbies but what even is that monstrosity.
Bet the driver also bitches about the price of gas while simultaneously fellating themselves driving a compensation mobile that gets 10 mpg on a good day.
I still think most of that was psyops and not real people because that logic is dumb af. I’m sure some got caught up in it and didn’t vote but it’s not surprising to me that now nobody on Lemmy actually cares about Palestine anymore.
Where the fuck you gonna deport them to?
Work camps to be used as slave labor is my bet if we’re talking mask off open fascism becoming the norm in the USA.
I really despise trump voters by now, I could forgive them the first time but after his first term and all the rest of everything these fuckers are either willfully ignorant or actually subscribe to his rhetoric and fucked up beliefs which is worse. There’s no redeeming them at this point I’m afraid.
Someone needs to inform wikipedia of their mistake…
Bruh, you ain’t gonna win shit in a fight against dudes using drones and armored vehicles and etc etc. I get the thought though and it isn’t all wrong, violence can be an effective means of changing the political landscape.
Having some common sense gun regulation isn’t a bad thing, and I say that as a person who owns firearms. It shouldn’t be easier to get a tool literally designed for killing than getting a driver’s license to operate a motor vehicle which can be turned into a tool for killing (accidentally or otherwise).
Most guns in school shootings were obtained legally, obviously there’s some problems there especially when we’re the only country on the planet dealing with this.
The state has and maintains a monopoly on legal violence. That’s never changing even if everyone in this country is strapped.
I’m all for responsible gun ownership but there needs to be more laws and regulations around it. School shootings are tragic and avoidable if other countries around the world are anything to go by,
Damn making me feel old over here with you not knowing Christmas Vacation. Great holiday movie. Worth a watch, a lot of people watch it as a tradition around Xmas time.
What movie did you watch? That’s a terrible take on it. I’m not sure how you could even think that’s the message. That’s like literally the opposite of the movie’s message.
Bro what, am I reading this wrong or is your premise that NPR doesn’t provide a service?
Because they absolutely do.