The seedbox I looked into requires you to provide VPN details, it did not allow using it without one.
Edit: also as far as I know Switzerland doesn’t have that strong privacy laws as providers claim in advertisements, but they’re not a member of five eyes.
I used mine for a similar case because my previous provider had shitty peering which caused YouTube etc to not work well, especially Saturday evening (search for Telekom peering of you want to know more). VPN circumvented this. However I have since switched to a better provider
Germany, but also Spain AFAIK.
If you are fine with torrenting using your real IP, then yes. However, here this can easily lead to high legal bills as rightholders can demand pay for damages even if a tracker just returned your IP as a participant of a swarm. There is no first strike here where you just get a mean letter. It goes into the thousands straight away.
Personally, I wouldn’t do that, especially here with law firms that specialize in that kind of behavior. I rather pay some bucks for that rare case where I want to get something from BitTorrent than risk all that hassle.
You don’t configure GRUB directly in NixOS. You configure it like everything else via NixOS modules which are pretty robust (but with enough energy, you can probably create something that passes evaluation but won’t actually work). Only my VPSs use GRUB, the rest lanzaboote and none of these ever broke.
So I’d say breaking your GRUB config by accident in NixOS is very unlikely.
You can use systemd with the classic logging tools by installing and enabling their respective service if you prefer. This will forward all messages to them. You even get a more comprehensive log than before systemd as the latter will even forward the messages that were sent before the logging service was started.
Edit: similarly for cron, you can still use the classic tools. I see their appeal in ease of configuration. Though in my opinion, systemd timers are more powerful and better integrated (don’t ask me why, I made that assessment years ago) so I accept that increased complexity.
For logs, I actually prefer the systemd journal though
I feel like this is a good moment to mention Neocities
I’ve never done shrooms / psilocybin. Only acid and 2C-B.
But looking at common dosages for it, I don’t think I would have understood the concept of an office on 100 mg. That is about 6 times a normal dose.
However, I would never think of wasting a good trip at the office. Seems like a double negative
EDIT: the dosages were referring to the chemical psilocybin, as that was what the post I replied to used. It was not about 0.1g of shrooms. Also mushrooms come in different strengths, depending on a lot of factors, including the species itself. Sorry for any confusion
Very cool. Thanks
Edit: least see that file sharing is not yet supported. Bummer, that would have been a killer for me. Still good project, but maybe without that, your (?) picoDAV is the better solution for my remaining cases.
He thought he had a 1 in 4 chance to not get hit
Calling something Linux is very specific, and it’s just not true for macOS. E g. if someone brings you an encrypted drive that uses LUKS, you can’t mount it in macOS. But both are Unix-like, macOS even being UNIX certified. However, from what I understand, these mostly concern a specific part of the stack that doesn’t guarantee that you can work with the other system, this is rather something for applications to target. I mean cool I can enter a shell and list files on macOS, but that doesn’t fix the problem.
Almost no company is selling your data. They’re selling services that they can offer based on the data collected about you. The data itself is too valuable to be sold, as their monopoly on it is the basis for their business model. That’s why all these “we’re not selling your personal data” statements are pointless at best and dishonest at worst.
I can’t tell if you’re making a joke or just confidentially incorrect
I only wanted to include two serious distros.
Hannah Montana is obvious, but which one is the second one?
Monday is more of a pie day actually
EDIT: A second pie about to hit the Monday
What’s the difference between 9/11 and Mondays?
Garfield hates Mondays
SSRIs and SNRIs helped a lot of people, going after them is a recipe for disaster.
Sure, I’d prefer if fewer people needed them, and they do have downsides. But in my opinion, the reasons for the mental conditions that require treatment are mostly societal, and there are no signs of these improving.
What’s the alternative going to be? Tricyclics? Therapy for everyone? I suspect it’s a “fuck you” to everyone affected.
My only hope is that he’ll actually push for legalisation of psychedelics which in some cases might offer an alternative, though they come with their own downsides (e.g. a friend of mine is on SSRIs but probably couldn’t replace them with psychs for his depression because he had panic attacks and could be at risk for psychosis).
Luckily we aren’t US citizens.