Naw, that’s escalators. Elevators are buses.
Naw, that’s escalators. Elevators are buses.
Man, I just watched the trailer and that was a trip. I think they nailed the character: just the right amount of cynicism and hard edges without dipping too far into quippy one-liners.
Linux, as a tool explictly designed to empower the masses, is socialist.
This is only partially a joke.
Sauerkraut on pizza is amazing. Come to Minnesota and go to Red’s Savoy, it’s great.
Well, I didn’t know I needed punk/emo Peach (Bowser?), but I do now.
I mean, Thanos isn’t even that tough. Most of the people fighting him were just human+ power level (notice how they specifically de-powered the Hulk for that fight?). A lot of characters could take him relatively easily.
Somebody mentioned Kerrigan. Yup. Zeratul would ‘Nothing Personnel, Kid’ the purple guy. Talandar (formerly Fenix) could fuck him up in a straight fight - the dude has died twice, he ain’t afraid of shit. All of the Zerg charcters, probably.
The Doomslayer, obv.
An entire collection of characters from Diablo. Good old Tyrael would bust him open, but any of the angel or demon characters could do that.
Kinda want to put him in a room with Jack of Blades. Nothing kills a supervillan like another supervillan.
They’re not persecuting hate crines. That’s the entire point of the article. They’re withdrawing funding and bringing legal charges against people who accurately describe the situation in Gaza as a genocide committed by a racist settler colonial state.
Not really. Israel is an ethnostate, they’ve declared it themselves. Genocide and oppression are guaranteed so long as it continues to be one.
They’re not protecting ‘Jewish people’. They’re protecting Israel. There’s a massive difference.
Oh, I’ll be voting.
For Claudia De La Cruz.
EDIT: People hard mad about this lmao
This is just the Iroquois Confederacy with extra steps.
Yep that’s what I meant to say lol. Also a healthcare worker, and I agrew on the obesity problem. I’ve seen a couple different work comp claims for nurses that were injured trying to move/help very large patients, and it’s a bit messed up. When we reach the point that we need mechanical assistance to move you, something’s gotta change. Trying to shame people into changing their habits demonstrably doesn’t work, so we need to be looking at other options.
Healthcare accounts for around 1 to 5% of carbon emissions.
Meanwhile, the meat industry accounts for about 35% of carbon emissions.
Yah, healthcare is absolutely not the problem. Feel bad about the environmental impact of your medicine? You could probably make up for it with like one less meat meal a week.
EDIT: link to bypass paywall for the article OP linked. Good read; they estimate healthcare as 8% of total emissions. Reading through, it seems it mostly focuses on insulin pens (which are an absolute godsend). I can’t help but think that attempting to recycle those is entirely the wrong strategy, and that we should instead focus on reducing diabetes cases in the first place. Losing weight, reducing sat fats, and eating fiber are all correlated with reduction of diabetes risk. I think we need some good old big-government regulation to start penalizing foods that have those things in them. We’re all paying the price for them already, time to start making the corporations do it instead.
This was a hard ‘no’ from me until I read the article. Let’s be honest with ourselves - either we foster these sort of closed gardens or we go play in the infinite shit-filled sandbox the rest of the Internet is becoming. This honestly just sounds like moving to an RSS-only model, which is something I could get behind.
Life hack: if you don’t eat meat you don’t need to worry about meatborne illnesses.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: cars should be mechanically speed-limited, the way they wanted to when cars were first introduced.
Explosives-involved structural failure
I’m in MN…I’m imagining what a herd of bison would do to a zombie horde lmao.
So you’re talking about a situation where a player with Spell Absorption casts an Absorb Health/Mana spell on an enemy, correct? And the argument is that the MP/HP regain is a spell effect that triggers Spell Absorption?
The answer is, of course not, because otherwise the MP regain from Spell Absorption would also trigger Spell Absorption, ad infinitum, which is both ludicrous and clearly not the intention.
The spell effect from an Absorb Spell is the damage it does to an enemy. This differs from the spell effect from a Restoration spell, which is to cause the targey to regain HP/MP. You can wave you hands and mutter something about, “Magic is intention” if your players argue about it.