Trans woman - 9 years HRT

Intersectional feminist

Queer anarchist

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I genuinely cannot tell if you are trolling. I am a French speaker. I work in it every single day.



    The only pronoun suggested by anyone as a gender neutral one in French is “iel”. It is not in common use at all and lacks any kind of widespread adoption.

    How are you so entitled that you can continue to be this blatantly wrong about something you clearly do not understand? It’s genuinely incredible.

  • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zone11 years ago
    26 days ago

    No you’d say “They are tall.” Because that’s how we conjugate that in English. They has always been used as both a singular and a plural because we don’t always know the gender of who were talking about. In French il/ils is the default when you don’t know a 3rd person’s gender. Il/ils is masculine.

    It isn’t. I’m a French speaker, I’m telling you it isn’t. Vous is second person singular or plural. They is third person singular or plural. They is NEVER second person. Vous is NEVER third person. This is how the language is used around the world today.

  • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zone11 years ago
    26 days ago

    Did… did the tables not help? They can be used as either singular or plural but it’s always third person.

    If I was speaking directly to you, and you used they/them pronouns. I wouldn’t convert the sentence “You are tall” to “They are tall”. Those 2 sentences mean entirely different things. That’s what the “person” part of a pronoun is. It’s who you’re referring to. 1st person is the person speaking, 2nd person is the person being spoken to, and 3rd person is someone about whom you are speaking.

    1st - “I am tall.”

    2nd - “You are tall.”

    3rd - “He/She/They is/are tall.”

    1st - “Je suis grand.”

    2nd - “Tu/Vous es grand.”

    3rd - “Il/Elle est grand(e).”

    Does this help? Tu is already not gendered. Vous isn’t gendered either. It’s not the same as “they” at all. It means an entirely different thing.

  • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zone11 years ago
    26 days ago

    I am bilingual and have been speaking French every day since I was 4. I work every day entirely in French. I am correcting you on a fundamental aspect of the French language.

    Vous is equivalent to saying “you all” in English. It can also be used as a 2nd person singular pronoun, equivalent to “you” in English. You’ll note that “you” isn’t gendered.

    “They” is a 3rd person pronoun. It’s used when referring indirectly to someone else. “He” and “she” are also 3rd person pronouns. “You” is the 2nd person singular pronoun in English. We don’t have a dedicated 2nd person singular pronoun (not since like the 17th century), so when referring to 2nd person to a group of people, we say “you all” or “you guys” etc.

    Pronouns in French go like this:

    Person Singular Plural
    first Je Nous
    second Tu Vous
    third Il/Elle Ils/Elles

    In English the equivalents are:

    Person Singular Plural
    first I We
    second You “You all/guys” etc
    third He/She They

    People’s preferred pronouns in both English and French are third-person ones (at least when referring to these kinds of pronouns, there’s others like Sir/Ma’am). French does not have a gender neutral third person pronoun by default.

  • Vous is the 2nd person plural pronoun. Only for when you’re speaking directly to someone, which isn’t gendered anyway (2nd person singular pronoun is Tu).

    French doesn’t have a gender neutral 3rd person pronoun. It’s il or elle. Which is unfortunate. There have been attempts to create a gender neutral 3rd person pronoun but none have really taken off. Most French non-binary people who prefer gender neutral pronouns in English will use the pronoun in French that most closely align with their presentation. Il for mascs, elle for femmes. I’m hopeful for this to change honestly.

  • Yeah. It’s hard to balance the need to know if i need to flee immediately with the massive amount of psychological damage from being aware of how dire the situation is. Like if I’m not well informed it could mean becoming stuck in a situation that is rapidly deteriorating. However if I am well informed then I just deal with constant panic attacks, worsening depressing, and spiraling mental health. I’m compromising by paying attention for a couple hours every few days and deliberately avoiding all news in the interim.

  • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneQR code rule
    7 months ago

    KolibriOS, arguably the smallest modern GUI OS at 1.44MB, could be encoded on ~142 of them. I shouldn’t find that interesting but I do. MikeOS, which is an operating system used to teach about OS design, could fit on ~74.

    Making this a very dumb very impractical but nonetheless legitimately viable method for non-electromagnetic OS storage.

  • Yeah like it’s not always a bad thing to commit resources with less than perfect efficiency. Having renewable energy is better than having none every time.

    It’s not so much that they’re rare as there is a known limited supply of them, and the means of harvesting them currently creates a lot of pollution. Fossil fuels are obviously worse in this regard. And even nuclear has a limited supply in terms of naturally available fuel sources.

    Renewable energy should be operated in the manner that best protects the environment, and we should be trying to waste as little possible in operating it. For those reasons, I think efficiency and sunlight hours are important considerations. The fossil fuel industry is extremely wasteful and destructive. The renewable industry should be the opposite of that.

    Small solar installations of a few panels, sure like they don’t need perfect efficiency. But if we’re committing hundreds or even thousands of panels to an installation? We should maximize efficiency.

  • Depends. Are there lots of tall buildings around the parking lot? Solar panels are made of a lot of rare metals and so we have to be very selective about where we install them to maximize energy output. For this region large open spaces near the equator work well. Not that they can’t work elsewhere, or couldn’t work over a parking lot, but there’s a lot of variables that have to be considered on each individual level.

  • It is here. We did the math, and a mortgage on a brand new house was literally half our rent at 20k down. The barrier to entry is the down payment. Those “good terms” entirely have to do with how much income you make and how much debt you have.

    I pay for maintenance on my apartment. This is essentially universal where I live. Also, maintenance costs do not come anywhere near the gap between mortgage and rent payments. Mortgage is literally less than half on a very, very shitty apartment. We didn’t even have proper heating when we first moved in to our last apartment. We both work full-time jobs. The building was very close to being condemned. It was the cheapest in our town of less than 100k. Mortgage on homes less than 10 years old was legitimately half our rent. Including HOA, including insurance, including taxes and utilities, it was literally half the cost.

    But 20k we do not have. And we have not been able to save even a quarter of that, as our cost of living has doubled in the last 4 years. Entirely due to profiteering by corporations and landlords.

    Long and gist of it, no, unless it’s a government run property rent is literally 0 out of 10 times going to be cheaper. Do you not understand the fundamental purpose of being a landlord? Are you under some kind of delusional belief that any measurable amount of landlords are in the business of renting properties out of the kindness of their hearts? No, being a landlord is just like being a company that sells water. You’re going to charge absolutely as much as you can possibly get away with, because literally the entire purpose of being a landlord is to make money while doing as little time investment as possible. Our last landlord did literally nothing for over a year while the house fell apart around us. We gave him over 20 thousand dollars in rent. The land tax there was peanuts. He pocketed at least 10k for doing literally nothing.

    The point of being a landlord is having enough net money at the start to literally not work. To literally do no labor for which they are beholden to someone. To collect tax from the serfs that occupy their land. They are part of a separate economic and social class. And profiteering is the entire reason anyone chooses to do it. There’s literally no other measurable reason. There may be one or 2 mythical landlords who are running themselves into debt cause they love their tenants or whatever the fuck, but they’re not even a thousandth of a percentile. Literally statistically irrelevant.

  • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule problem
    1 year ago

    Why would Trump have to carpet bomb Gaza? Israel is literally already doing that with American bombs. What benefit would it be to Trump to spend billions of dollars deploying US military forces to take military action Israel is already taking? Trump would just continue letting Israel do whatever they want with no international repercussions. The genocide of Palestine is not popular with the extreme right, which is virulently anti-Semitic and has seized on the genocide as an excuse to promote anti semitism. Not to mention, Trump has territorial goals in mind. He wouldn’t commit military forces to a place far from the Americas (and away from his territorial ambitions) to ethically cleanse a group of people who mean nothing to him.