This is how I felt when Bambulab started giving all creators printers.
This is how I felt when Bambulab started giving all creators printers.
Lol, not quite.
Fake news
Fuck xcode and fuck Apple.
This is from the JWs, I recognise it
Fuck, I wish I still had all my pictures on my phone, I have some badass photos of some.
Aaah, okay, I didn’t know you could do that.
How are there 2 on blahaj that have the same name?
After the abuse I got and how fucked up the resulting ptsd and social anxiety has made me, I wonder if this was true for me, life was a lot less scary before. I kinda want to go back.
Apple literally perfected modern day planned obsolescence, TF you talking about son?
It’s an amazing game
Oh no!
I haven’t finished it, I kinda got busy and never finished it,
I want to do the bucket ending, not the one where you get dropped, I had that happen.
Ita been so long now though, gotta burn the blue to reverse time.
I guess those ideological issues were the acceptance and safe space for queer people, but fuck us I guess. Don’t worry, we won’t hop on over to the shit show.
Maybe we can start a 197 like how 196 came from 195.
What a shitty fucking take from some power tripped mods.
Linux, not sure why that’s relevant though. At least even Windows can be made elastic and it isn’t expensive for the sake of being expensive because Apple. So yeah, I guess I’d prefer to run Windows servers than ever run Mac for anything.
Lol, nice. I’ll never use MacOS again, but thank you.
I architected and built a cloud based apple build system for a megacorp, what an anti consumer POS company. I hate apple with a passion.
No, it was that there was no quick way to see what Firefox windows i had open from the dock.
King just released Solitaire, so I guess it’s not exclusive anymore