Great tip! I tried stuff with but not that! I’ll give it a try!
Art by: @mowendesigns A Beautiful link to their DeviantArt
Great tip! I tried stuff with but not that! I’ll give it a try!
I don’t think they hide it, as it’s not in the hidden folder, but it understand to not give you back the same post. Or make it less important, it can happen I see it again a bit later
Sync on phone you can hold a discussion to close it
The Sync app is great, only thing that bothered me compared to Reddit was that I would see again and again posts I’ve seen in the day when reopening the app later in the day, haven’t tried anyting else yet
The problem for me was not Lemmy. I still believe in Lemmy, the Prolem was that slrpnk.net really was not user friendly. I’m writting this from phtn.app which someone told me about and it’s awesome! Looks wayyy more like Mastodon and something from today :D
God is Excel good, and I feel like I’ve barely touched the VBA part making buttons for my colleagues to get to certain parts of the Excel instantly. It runs well, and gets so much information out in a unique way, Speinkled with functions that run well . And it runs quite fast for something that can do so much
I’d say it’s the task you do on it you dislike, not the program
Hey guys! The Steve Jobs your looking at here is the owner of the website: www.pud.com where you can see al lthe fun mods the guy did to a headphone to make it sound different. The following text is from mister Pud here explaining what this headphone is:
A "Helmholtz resonator"is that thing when you blow on a Coke bottle and it plays a low pitch.
The pitch can be tuned by adjusting its dimensions. Ol’Thumby (The headset on the photo -Kyoyeou) has a resonator tuned to 60hz (Bass territory -Kyoyeou) with the “neck” radius of 50mm (same as the driver I’m using).
If you’re interested in trying something like this yourself, there are Helmholtz resonator calculators online, or ask ChatGPT to help you calculate. Here’s the calculator I used: www.omnicalculator.com/physics/helmholtz-resonator
Honestly if I was wearing a HD700 an Audeze headphone (why would you do that) I think there is more chances your neighboor with his airpod max will have their stollen first
So like, he made the thing for it to resonate more the sound you get when you are blowing slightly in a coke bottle to give you an idea. But just constantly
Few month ago in CSGO I played a casual game for flying scout. Went in, and I got instantly kicked by the 5 players of the team. Turn out I felt into a farming bot lobby and all 10 players where farming bots
“Hey, I just wanna write a regular sentence, you know?” (Is the real answer ChatGPT to the previous discussion to make the tittle of this post)
My favorite type of news
Way more YouTube for me, a Bit more of Twitch, a bit more Discord, and even a bit more of Instagram than I thought I would, but still, way way more Lemmy than anything else
It’s cool if anyone can change it. It’s not if it checks if it’s an apple backplate and blocks you from using your phone if it’s not from Apple
I didn’t usually, but with CS2 it’s apparent it’ll be the case
Bottom PC is truly sexy to my eyes. That’s a PC someone looked into, with their limitations, a PC they wanted and did their best to get what they need and want
I’d say they make fun of other memes already made. I’ve got a Blahaj right now in my arms but that doesn’t mean it’s a trate that shows my sexuality or gender
I’ve stopped learning Chinese when I left the country. I’ve only had HSK 2, but man do I miss no conjugation, you ate an apple pie for breakfast this morning? Well “This morning breakfast I eat an apple pie”.
You already told it was this mornings breakfast with context.
This is something you really see when discovering another language that is not yours. I’m on Modern Speaking Arabic right now and I see it a lot
No God damn please, dont ruin my Utopia of everyone in 2040 running almost silent cars :(
I can agree that’s why I dont buy more. (And Warhammer is way worst when I looked I didn’t even imagine touching it)
Commander is played by 4 person. Each player has a deck of 100 cards. All 100 cards except lands are different. There is no copy of a card. You also have 1 card with the tag “Legendary” which is outside of the deck and that can be played at anytime. He is your commander. When he comes to die, he doesn’t, and simply goes back to his commander zone, and you can summon him again latter.
Everyone has 40 HP, and the great thing is when there is 4 people, that you talk with other players, and most of the time, better player can help less knowledgeable explain the cards other have and explain why someone is strong, and most often this will create an alliance where, if someone gets way stronger than the 3 others, he is temporarily playing in 3v1 until he is lower than someone else.
It creates a sort of convivial time where people get the time to play what they want, with a but of randomness because on 100 cards you don’t always have exactly what you want, and it’s overall fun, you can play anything, and this cycle of the best vs the 3 others that comes and goes on its own makes it more enjoyable for people of any level.
For exemple I play what is called a Precon. A deck that I bought in a box and I didn’t change too much. For the cost of 40€, and I still had fun with people at my table with decks they paid 100, 200 or a guy that printed all his cards and had a deck worth about 800 to 1000 euro (although he was a competitive douche complaining everyone was always on him, which, yeah that’s the concept, if we don’t you win). Anyway, anyone has his chances and I with my 40€ deck could still win and once I found the game mechanic that I liked, I didn’t have to spend anything more!