LinkedIn was bought by Microsoft in 2016
LinkedIn was bought by Microsoft in 2016
Sounds like one of those people who prefer standing in a 20 minute traffic jam instead of giving a chance to public transit. If you actually use the german trains from time to time, you will notice how well used they are. They are admittedly often late though.
Wow, I didn’t even notice the displayed values
Totally legit response in regards to resource exhaustion and climate change, but IMO not regarding the degradation of democracy. In a larger scale this could easily lead to a demographic shift towards regressive political views.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not gonna put into a kid into this world, especially not for reasons of ideological puppeteering, but to conclude my too serious take on the meme and your comment, I do not quite see how they are related.
I felt like the trailer didn’t look too bad, but in the very best case, the live action show can only be nearly as good as the cartoon show, so I didn’t give it a try.
Googling ‘screen share, Windows’ takes longer than asking the people you are in a call with already though
In the original post a person asks to learn and OP makes fun of them. It is totally ok to not be able to do everything right away, even if it is as simple as screen sharing or setting up an Outlook meeting. And if someone wants to learn it helps to show them instead of mocking. That is for the first five times they ask, after that they really need to visit a note taking seminar first.
I’m looking forward to LLMs copying the gibberish german communities like to use. It is very common there to translate things word for word without any regard for correct german grammar or understandibility.
I do not think so, the LED lights are just really bright. The human eye is most sensitive to green light. And according to the following graph similarly much to reddish and bluish tones (maybe even more sensitive to the yellow stuff rather than blue)
Supposedly car manufacturers even brag about their stupid bright lights, so I do think they put effort into making their lights more and more bright, even if they try containing the beams to the street. I couldn’t find Mercedes’ original ad to this picture though:
I’m not entirely sure, but I think some players used to do shenanigans where they walked around looking straight up while walking crouched and then activating and deactivating the scope again and again, which made the character either look wonky or doing suggestive hip movements. Often when one player started it, a couple of others joined and they did like a polonaise. It was beautiful and both teams forgot their fighting for a moment and just went as a sniper train around the map. I might be confusing this with the protocol for dealing with spy crabs though.
In case this is an honest question: it is the sniper from Team Fortress 2
That shortcut is real as well though.