Yes – the answer should be our own green energy campaign.
Yes – the answer should be our own green energy campaign.
According to softpedia (the descriptions of the web engine is somewhat buried in the texts):
AFAIK Ecosia is not a browser, but a search engine.
TL;DR all
Well, to be fair – we don’t know what the MEPs were paid for, we don’t even know that they were paid for anything or whether these payments were really illegal.
Probably these were donations rather than bribes.
If you donate to people who are on your side to help them gain influence, you’re using your money more effectively than by paying bribes.
The linked article was very informative. The problem they described is that there is no alternative for people banned by cloudflare to access the content of sites shut off by cloudflare. Which, in a developed country, is a minority small and weak enough to ignore them.
The BIS and ABW have not named names so far, but BIS had a 300-page dossier on illicit payments worth “millions of [Czech] crowns” (tens of thousands of euros), it has said.
ABW seized €72,000 in cash in raids in the Warsaw region.
It’s kind of insulting when perhaps-not-Moscow offers just a meagre couple of 10000 € as bribe to our MEPs. And embarassing when they accept such a sum.
for example all the Spitzenkandidaten have been announced.
Is this a word missed by an otherwise very good machine translation, or has Spitzenkandidat entered European English?
Could the Scots introduce the €€? 🤔
~20 years ago we were on vacation in Zeeuws Vlanderen. It was e x t r e m e l y boring. (Sorry, Zeuws Vlanderen). So we decided to hop over the channel to visit England. Our kids were too young to have their own ID cards, and as citizens of Schengenland we were not prepared for the UK border control. Of course nobody on the French side cared to tell anyone about British immigration rules. So we were at the border control in Dover without IDs for our kids. They accepted their health insurance cards, and we spent a wonderful week in Kent and London, even meeting a veteran from the battle of Arnhem. Luckily they let us leave as well – it occured to me only years later that leaving might have become a problem.
That’s great to know. Thank you for your assurance. I hope it stays this way.
Sorry, I oversimplified, cf this:
You’re right, I oversimplified.
The key term here is isolationists. Regarding our topic – the question whether NATO is an automagically reliant deterrant – Moscow does not need to control the UK as a puppet state, it suffices that they promote isolationism to a degree that the UK would not intervene into “domestic matters of Latvia”.
NATO is only as effective as it is united. Moscow is waging a hybrid war, they are attacking NATO in the information space since years or decades. Till 2026 there are a lot of elections — the US, Germany and the UK could be led by pro—Moscow governements in 2026, France’s next election is 2027.
If Moscow wins the battle of the information space, it’s absolutely possible that they will able to freeze the war in Ukraine this year and “rescue the poor Russians oppressed by the Baltic states” in 2026 or 2027.
Have you ever been conscripted into a democratic army? I have been. We were very well taught which rights we have, what the rules of warfare are and when we are oblieged to disobey an order.
It’s true, a conscript has less freedom than a not conscripted citizen. But if you really believe a conscript (in a democratic army) is even remotely comparable to a chattel slave, you should try reality instead delusional ideology for a change.
I just wanted to be helpful and suggest how to avoid tapping on a touch screen while going 150 km/h on the highway. Crashing is an option too, but I was told it has certain side effects.
By the way, I H A T E Tesla and touch screens in cars.
With a Tesla, you wouldn’t have any problem like that. Just tap while going 220 km/h, problem solved.
Granting a two–year stay to students does not make any sense. They need to stay till graduation, or could have been sent home right away.
For my fellow uninitiated:
Is it just a frontend for Bing? The results differ. I’m not shure which search engine I like best.