Panzer IV my beloved
Panzer IV my beloved
You absolutely can make wire with just forging techniques. Not sure how far back, but a celtic torc can be made with many thin strands of metal, this sort of thing is more likely a question of how many 1000s of years ago were they able to.
I have wondered about that kind of thing. But 13 plots of land is going to cost you a huge amount, at that point you can buy a house.
Building it here should be fine because of how small it is, would almost certainly be seen as a temporary structure and classed as similar to a garden shed. The problem is you cannot legally live in something like that.
Health code isn’t likely to be an issue in the UK as I don’t think we have anything overly strict that would matter. Environmental health exists but that is more of a concern if you are leaving a pile of waste that is attracting rats to the extent its causing a problem to other people. Been to events that use a shit pit before. Some you shit straight into the pit and others collect it into a septic tank and dump that into a pit later while marking a fence post near the pit to avoid digging in the same location next year. Does make me wonder how long it takes to rot down, 100-200 peoples shit from a whole weekend dumped into a pit and buried.
Then again maybe it isn’t allowed and we were just doing it anyway.
In the UK this option is still illegal as you need permission from the council to live on your own land. I guess it’s sorta similar to zones in the US? You can only stay on your land for 28 days of the year otherwise. You could probably manage a while before you get found but they can demolish anything you build there and seize the property.
While I have a basic understanding of using magnets and wires for motors/generators, I think an easier option would instead be a Van de Graaff generator.
Then probably get executed for witchcraft or just ignored as a lunatic for speaking in a strange foreign tongue.
Why? What difference does any of them make.
Well I run it locally for free so it certainly isn’t making them money. Mostly use it for talking to management and customers.
Glad that it isn’t much of an issue in games I play. Oh a bunch are camping with a scoped rifle. So what, the objective is that trench and we have swarmed into it after a guy cleared it with the flammenwerfer. Sniper team get a few kills and lose.
Don’t see a problem tbh, value is set by what someone will pay. If someone will pay for it then it is worth that.
Prompt, seed, model, LORAs, and better hope it’s a sampler that reliably produces the same results each time for the same input as not all of them do.
Why would you submit personal documentation for social media?
Depends how big they get. A few stray bricks could cost Tesla a lot of money and who cares if a Nazi loses money?
Fridge? Never stored potatoes in the fridge myself tbh. My thinking was just use potatoes left over from what I would have eaten that have started going a little soft and sprouting roots.
Thinking of growing some this year. I know some places say not to use supermarket potatoes but garden centre seed potatoes cost like 10 times as much and are essentially just old potatoes. Also heard they can be treated with stuff to prevent them growing. They are still growing so it clearly didn’t work
Look up IRC bouncers in that case to see chat history. Given this is lemmy I am sure you can just add it to your Linux server.
Wife left you? Should have installed Linux on her devices. Then again I know a guy who did that and still has SSH access.
Some of us have to use Windows at work. It’s awful.
I know a few people were given Macs on request, I wonder if I could get a Linux machine… Everything we do is web based or on a remote desktop.
Isn’t contaminating groundwater only an issue of you are pooping near a river, stream or well though? At a reasonable distance it takes so long for anything to move through that it’s not an issue and will just rot down instead.