I’ve seen a movie where this is basically the plot.
I’ve seen a movie where this is basically the plot.
If this weren’t gendered I’m not sure I would connect that this was posted as result of people’s reaction to the bears vs men thing.
In the canon, I think they just end up looking like the grown up version of themselves. My reasons are because in the movie, Mary (the oldest) is played by the same actress when she transforms and in the comics (Kingdom Come, I think) years in the future one of the Justice League members sees a person who he thinks is Captain Marvel, but it’s just grown up Billy Batson.
I’ve always thought the hand signs would be difficult, but the best combination should be fire, water, sponge. Sponge soaks up water, water puts out fire, fire burns sponge to a crisp.
What piece of paper can really stop a rock?
Yeah, that’s what I meant. I accidentally wrote the opposite. Added the word.
They appear to be moved around because the original creator [didn’t] put the text boxes in intuitive places. It’s instinct to read from top to bottom if both text bubbles are centered at the same spot.
EDIT: missed an important word
I’d rename two categories.
Bottom right: I’d rather refer to a cake as “lasagna” than call lasagna a “cake”
Bottom left: if someone made a quiche without walled sides I’d still call it a quiche, so I’d rather call that category “pie”
This has the added bonus of making most pie people furious and some pizza people angry unless they like Chicago deep dish.
I think this whole post basically works on that assumption.
The OP says “If you’re an art lover, now is the best time to support your favourite smaller artists.”
It’s heavily implied that those “smaller artists” aren’t untrained painters who are using text prompts to generate an image.
I don’t watch these, but they make a lot of sense. I’ve watched movies sometimes and been disappointed that there are no similar movies for me to watch. If you like a generic Hallmark movie you’ll have infinite content.
q1 and q2 can be negative. The force is the same as if they were positive because -1 x -1 = 1
I have a hard time believing some people won’t see it as an antagonistic response.
"Let’s handle this situation without consequences for people, without consequences for our family. Let’s quietly, peacefully release this person. He has five children and a father who’s critically ill with cancer. Little kids, like kittens. You’re a Muslim, you have a heart,” -Yandiyeva’s relative.
It’s always unsettling when people try to do things like this and pass the responsibility onto other people.
I don’t mind this too much, but I’d want more padding for the kid and an extra wheel in the back for stability.
Of course, but if my vehicle was the only vehicle in the world, I’d still feel like a 2 year old kid on the back of my bike going 7 miles is more dangerous than on a bus, train, or even a car over the same distance.
I bet those people are doing it for economic reasons, not environmental ones. A bicycle is probably the most dangerous form of transportation for you to have your kid on.
Depends on the use case and the oversight. If I lose the ability to walk and an implant can make it easier I’ll take the implant. It’s unfortunate this type of technology didn’t exist for Hawking. With what he had he could only write a sentence a minute IIRC.
Why though? If she already knows how to use something, the hurdle of having to deal with her complaints when something is slightly different will make everyone lose.
I bet more people know about Friends than about Wendy Williams.
When presented this way, the choice is very different.