I’m Canadian, im just waiting to get fucking invaded for no reason.
I’m Canadian, im just waiting to get fucking invaded for no reason.
3 pennies if you include this https://youtu.be/cWmSB7QN1UU?feature=shared
Mmmm Cora
I remember someone writing that the bar for men to be “good men” is in hell. That always stuck with me.
Sounds like you worked for some fucking stupid companies. Do what you’re hired to do, not be an entire IT department, custodian staff and administration. You are the only one losing in that situation.
It means that the original argument of consent to life is invalid. Consent isn’t possible until life. It’s a great philosophical problem but not one with a known solution.
This is possibly the most American post ever lol
Nope, but they DO have silence and the ability to vanish.
Except this logic only works if they are the only ones who have a gun.
I’m making fun of you if that wasn’t clear. No, the next generation are not weak, incapable or any other sort of negative generalization that you might think they are. They are people as diverse any other generation and the whole point of this post is to espouse that generational stereotypes only serve to hurt us and divide us from accomplishing better things for humanity.
Hey Google what’s the definition of nihilism?
Homie, I’m Canadian, it’s beyond the constitution of the US. We don’t have unlimited free speech because it fucking leads to genocide and violence. I will fight to the grave to ensure that tolerance only extends to the tolerant. This is what generations fought a nearly world ending world war over. It’s worth fighting over, you don’t have to agree with me.
Punished by a government. That’s where free speech begins and ends.
No that’s excercising freedom expression. You are free from persecution from the government, not ostracization socially. Nazis should be punched, not protected. There’s no such thing as free speech for Nazis. Same thing in this case, you say bullshit, people are “free” to react how they will to it.
Fescue is amazing grass. I suggest overseeing with an aggressive ryegrass if you really have issues, but just let the Bermuda grass be. Otherwise add in some microclover seed for good measure.
Down vote and move on. That’s how this works.
It’s just darpa controlling the weather bruh