Wait, you can get much faster than hot’n ready? You give a teenager some money, he immediately hands you a pizza. Do those places see you come in the door and just start throwing pizzas in your general direction before you get to the counter?
The actual fuck are you on about?
I know it’s probably difficult to find behind the great firewall but try looking up the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Spoiler: the people standing in front of the tanks are not the ones we refer to as tankies.
It’s the “is it a space or is it an underscore” that gets ya.
Thousand times this. For actual builders that care about the nuance it all probably makes sense but then there is me over here looking at pre-builts wondering why the fuck are two seemingly identical machines have a $500 difference between them.
I’m spending so much time pouring through spec sheets to find “oh the non-z version discombobulator means this cheaper one is gonna be trash in three years when I can afford to upgrade to a 6megadong tri-actor unit”.
I’m in this weird state of to cheap to buy a Mac and can’t be arsed to build my own.
LED lighting. Usually can adjust to whatever color lighting you like. Pure aesthetic value, no actual benefit to the performance of the machine itself.
Okay, reasonable enough, I had read your response as “no solar, just homes and put the solar in rural”.
How so? A) Less transmission lines to where it’s needed and b) more qualified/trained staff centralized to the solar installs.
I’m not against rural solar by any stretch but I can’t fathom being against urban solar? We need to solar all the things.
I’m not seeing “Amazon” or the plethora of online shopping stores that have followed in its footprint of complete and utter shit. To this day, I can’t understand how Amazon became so big with a user interface so fucking awful but goes to show it doesn’t actually fucking matter.