Eh… I guess, only insofar as any racist bullshit that gets misunderstood as benign.
Eh… I guess, only insofar as any racist bullshit that gets misunderstood as benign.
The social score thing isn’t really propaganda as much as it is idiots believing whatever they read. It started from what was essentially thinly veiled racism, and became “true” because people kept hearing it.
I keep my AirPods in my pocket watch pocket so don’t really have that issue. Though I’m aware not everyone wears pants with those.
I’d likely just need to be as careful with a foldable as I am with my current phone tbh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Who the hell keeps their phone in the same pocket as keys? 😱
Their first problem is asking for a cover letter. I’ve applied to hundreds of jobs while looking, you think I’m going to hand write 100+ cover letters, customized for each and every job? Hell no.
No no, he’s “smelling a suspicious odor” and about to ask the citizen to step out of the car.
You can’t abuse your mod powers by taking action against yourself in ways you could technically self mod as a user.
More likely it’s an attempt to get the preview text a lot of mailboxes show to not show extra content.
Meaning they want you to see “terms and conditions updates lulumon” and not “terms and conditions updates lulumon hello there isVeryLoud, we have upd…”
Email is generally considered the one thing you never want to self host, so that hope is doing a lot of heavy lifting.
I mean, there was an autocorrect mishap, but if you don’t know what first past the post means…
Apps (almost) always take upgrades into consideration when it comes to migrating data. However they (almost) never take downgrades into consideration.
This is part standard across all software. Migrating forward can already be difficult, but backwards can be impossible, especially if data was lost in the move forward.
Not in a first past the post election.
Aka “vote in a way that helps Trump.”
SELECT Name FROM Images WHERE LOWER(Description) LIKE “%traffic light%”
I would absolutely hate this to be honest. Using language from media in everyday life just sounds forced to me. X.x
There are two sides to this.
One side is the speaker, who is responsible for not saying something hurtful. This is obviously flexible depending on history with the listener, the listeners stated preferences, and the context of the speech. (For example, my youngest and I routinely greet each other extremely harshly, and to an outside listener it would sound like abusive language. But to us it’s just friendly banter.)
The other side is the… listener? I don’t know how to refer to this side tbh. Anyway, they have a responsibility to tell the other person when something hurtful has been said. Because the speaker has no real way to know hurt has been caused unless they are told.
So if the speaker calls the listener dude, and the listener never says “hey I don’t really like being called dude” that’s on the listener. But if the hearer does state that, and the listener continues to call them dude, that’s on the speaker.
That got weirdly complex in my brain at the end for some reason so I hope I made sense.
There’s a difference between “I treat dude as a gender neutral term” and “I will not be respecting your direct request” though.
One is an opinion, the other is a statement of intent. You can both treat dude as a gender neutral term in your daily life, and respect someone’s wish to not be referred to as dude. They are not mutually exclusive.
I tend to only call guys dude, unless it’s more of a “dude what is going on” where “dude” isn’t actually referencing anyone in particular.
That said, I do say “guys” a lot for an all inclusive grouping.
Thought… I’m not really going to ask random people what they want me to refer to them as, and I’m also not going to start assuming I know who is trans/non binary. I don’t really want people asking me, either. Take a guess, if you guess wrong I’ll let you know. And I’d hope for the same from others.
The only time I’d really take offense is the second time, since that shows a clear disregard for my preferences. Well, disregard or malice.
Physical copies are still just purchasing a limited usage license purchase.
Technically, even purchasing DRM free games are again just a limited usage license.
This may be reductionist, but all subs are cute and little in my eyes.