That wasn’t even the reason for that change. There just plain wasn’t much room on the GBA SP for a headphone jack. People have modded them in aftermarket but every single one of the possible positions looks like crap and the GBA was never the pinnacle of audio hardware. In fact, the headphone jack made a triumphant return on every handheld Nintendo has released since the GBASP, including the GBA Micro.
(I am not saying there weren’t good bops on the GBA, most Pokemon tunes are incredible. Just that audio quality was never a priority for design on the GBA.)
Then you’re not understanding what NPR is at all. NPR is a non-profit radio station that provides free access to news, music, and programming over the radio and through TV and internet channels. Whatever NPR makes in revenue is through donations. Of course their budget is separate from their revenue. You have to have a budget at all to produce revenue.
What this is saying is that NPR spends 100x more than the government will give them to provide a literal free service to the citizens of the USA. NOR is practically self-sufficient while SpaceX is a for profit corporation whose bigger client is the federal government. If either of these organizations are a leech, it’s certainly not NPR. One of them needs the money to survive.