For now. (Probably for later, too.)
For now. (Probably for later, too.)
Probably this is all very reactionary, NVIDIA’s stock will recover and they’ll remain a big player in the LLM space.
But I’m uninterested in LLM’s and would love to see price drops on GPU’s, so i hope there is a longer term moderate market loss for them in this space.
I live between the tech conservative and tech paranoid with a splash of distro hopping.
I skipped the iPod as well. Had a Creative Zen Touch, which I thought was a great device. Same kind of deal, it showed up as a removable drive or MTP device or something like that. Can’t remember for sure.
I thought Apple was cool back in the system 6/7 days. I don’t know if it actually was. I was a kid back then and just got to use it a little in school. I didn’t daily drive it. But I did like it based off the usage I got.
When they switched to a BSD* derivative, it became less the the thing I remembered liking and my interest waned. Then they switched to x86 and it became something I felt was completely disassociated with what I considered to be a Mac. And while I could see those were smart choices on their part, I no longer cared for what they were offering.
And now I hate the company for the sorts of things the meme touches on. Not that consumer hostile practices are anything new for them, just more opinionated about it now.
That was rantier than I’d anticipated when I started, but already made it this far.
That’d certainly be a good feature, but it feels to me like it’s a fairly niche need. And as per that post, it’s also a big technical effort. I can see why there isn’t anything in the way of development updates.
That is me being a bit of an apologist for Firefox though. If you consider Firefox unusable because of that, then that’s a pretty valid frustration.
Still, I’d encourage you to try and find a way to make it work for you because Chrome is evil.
Setting legal precidents and regulating the industry are musts to curb this behavior. But we also have power as consumers. The ol’ “vote with money” if you will. There are too many uninformed consumers for this to have a huge impact, but keeping our money away from bad publishers and giving it to good ones will help.
TL;DR: Probably.
Some facts
This recipe calls for 4 garlic clove bulbs.
Employers enjoying free work if you’re salaried.
Credit: reverse image search.