Lol, yes I use Tony’s. I will definitely try out the Kinder “The Blend” Since you seem to have a similar taste profile to me. Thanks!
Lol, yes I use Tony’s. I will definitely try out the Kinder “The Blend” Since you seem to have a similar taste profile to me. Thanks!
Yup, that’s what the Chinese are saying when they say it’s dry. You gotta have seasoning. That 5 spice I was talking about, that’s actually different from place to place. Each one representing the flavors that the chef wanted. It’s actually the same in India. Curry powder is not a real thing. Each area and household has their own spice mix.
For me personally, while I agree with you that you should make your own, I tend to just use Cajun seasoning. Dunno, it’s cheap and readily available. But you keep doing you. Personal spice blends is absolutely the way to go.
Actually sort of. I mean I guess what you would call a soup. Though the Chinese would just consider that a sauce. The put that shit on everything. Well different sauces. Here’s a random picture of a Chinese school lunch.
You see how the veggies are glistening? They’re covered in a sauce made with cornstarch and broth. Even the fish has a layer of sauce on it.
So yeah, a sandwich would be pretty dry. But that’s not really what they’re talking about.
In Chinese food, there’s an insane amount of seasonings that basically go in everything. At a minimum they use something called 5 spice which is a mixture of you guessed it, 5 spices. So the dry they’re referring to is actually seasoning. So something like a subway sandwich with italian dressing, salt, pepper and oregano wouldn’t be dry in the way they’re using it. They’re really just referring to the sandwich being unseasoned. Also, here’s a tip, if you’re going to make a sandwich, season it. Even just adding salt and pepper will make it taste way better.
I am about to share way way too much. So I figure I must be fairly attractive for a male, though I don’t consider myself all that attractive. I have been hit on by both women and gay men. Most men on this planet have not, from either.
Here’s the thing that women don’t get. Even for someone like me it’s few and far between. Like once a decade rare. And the few times it has happened, it did feel pretty good.
Imagine pining for that. I’m in a happy marriage, but I could imagine how lonely it would be to never have it happen ever.
So the saddest thing about her response that a straight man is jealous of the attention a 23 year old woman gets truly shows her ignorance. Because, many men would want that. Even if it’s just to get a compliment once.
It’s a sad world we live in.
The funny thing is that people think China would disagree with that map, yet that map is exactly what China claims. In fact, Taiwan claims far more than that map, so the only source of disagreement technically would be on the naming. However, China, or Sino wouldn’t actually care. You think China is the name they gave themselves or even use or say that term? That was a Western nomenclature put upon them in the first place.
China’s largest gas company is called sinopec, not chinapec. So that weird name change is meaningless to them. If that made the west happy so they could take over Taiwan, they’d do it in a heartbeat.
I am 100% for this as a country showing it’s strength vs our current war paradym. Hopefully, Putin gets in on this and gets too stoned to continue the war.
Well… if you’re in America I’d be cautious about adding anything. Unfortunately, American peanut butter is already heavily seasoned with sugar and salt which makes it a game of over powering the seasonings that are already in American peanut butter. But if you crush your own peanuts with a small amount of salt, as others have said do as the Asians do. Curry powder works great, cumin and as all Asians pretty much do, add some kind of hot sauce (if you can take spicy). But sadly, if you’re looking at a can of jiffy, you’re gonna need a lot of curry powder to overwhelm the salt and sugar content.