I really have a hard time understanding what is “awesome” in these cars ? They are clearly not built to be efficient to drive in old European cities, and (even though that is very subjective) they aren’t nice to look at either.
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I really have a hard time understanding what is “awesome” in these cars ? They are clearly not built to be efficient to drive in old European cities, and (even though that is very subjective) they aren’t nice to look at either.
Incest in French nowadays usually implies that a child has been abused. So it’s mainly a translation issue.
Laziness ? Ease of bypassing rules ? (slight /s)
Honestly, between the very extensive metro system that pretty much goes everywhere in Paris, complementary bus lines and docked (e-)bikes that are pretty much everywhere in the city, Paris has a very good offer for mobility. Sure, things can always be improved, but on that aspect, I don’t think we can really blame the city.
By exploiting people with miserable working conditions that collect all e-scooters and recharge them for the main company.
Shared bikes still work that way in Paris too.
Edit: You can even choose between e-bikes and regular bikes.
Paris is slowly but surely greatly limiting cars in every way possible in the city, even motorbikes now have to pay to park in the streets.
It’s just that users of shared e-scooters were not being respectful. We don’t see any problems with shared docked bikes and other types of personal bikes/e-scooters, which are all still allowed.
E-scooters didn’t usually replace car trips in Paris, but instead walking and public transport trips.
I thought that you could vote in another EU country for local and European elections if you lived in it ? https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/residence/elections-abroad/index_en.htm
Edit: added “local and european elections”
I’m wondering, if you’re a 16-year-old French person, can you vote in Belgium if you live there ? I guess you can, but I find that interesting.
I agree that it is sad that we have to come to that, but if good procedures are in place to make sure that the cameras and microphones are used for only this purpose, this can really help to have a better living environment.
Well, my main issue with Twitter is that it is used for official communications, and sometimes is the only medium that is used. To me, official communications should go through platforms that aren’t owned by a private company. This is where Mastodon/Firefish would be great alternatives, since governments or institutions could set up their own servers, while still being part of a wider network.
I’d say Czechia or Slovakia. I had a great time in both countries !
You’ve never had your identity stolen or you wouldn’t be saying that.
France already does DNS blocking. It honestly has near to no impact, since targeted websites (usually digital piracy related stuff) just change the domain.
Camus et ses personnalités multiples :-D