No one’s worse than Hewlitt Packard
No one’s worse than Hewlitt Packard
And that isn’t even getting into their drivers and software. Foolish me bought a printer with a scanner and thought I’d be able to just install one little piece of software and be able to print and scan. How silly of me to forget that I to search Google to find instructions that weren’t provided by HP, and download an application that the printer’s instructions did not tell me to install, in order to get the it working.
I almost want this printer to die just so I can never own an HP printer again in my life.
Twitter, despite Elon’s best efforts, is not dead yet 😆
Yeah, I think that’s because reddit just has the hugest communities for individual games and niche interests. There are some lemmy communities for some of the games I follow but there are like seven users in each of them. Lemmy is getting really good for broader topics like “games” or “technology” but isn’t quite there yet for more narrow interests like “Dolphin emulator” for example.
“Sorry babe, but your canthal tilt is wayyyyy off and I highly doubt your IQ is within the required 7 points of mine (15 points would be acceptable of you rated 7 or higher on the objective attractiveness rating scale)”.