You need to double up on the costume teeth. One pair for your upper and one for your lower jaw.
You need to double up on the costume teeth. One pair for your upper and one for your lower jaw.
I’d argue Wh is a complete waste. Just use J, which is the much more established unit.
No unsolicited DAC-pics, please!
Not really. I have gay friends who love boobs… Just not in a sexual way
Just a number dumb monkeys believe to be “more random”.
Except for coconut milk, because reasons.
Nah, I’m good thanks. I’ve got my happy meal right here
Of course not. Modern medicine will keep them alive. At least long enough for the frontline. Most of them will probably live well into their teens!
The decision was made by a court in Norrköping, where the filling was made and where the hearing will be had. Stockholm had nothing to do with this.
It varies by species. Some go left side up and others go right side up. In some species the individuals flip equally often to left and right, such as thornback turbot. Then there’s the Senegalese sole… In this species the side they “tilt” towards are different between individuals, but most of them do it to one side and a small subgroup turn the other way. Kind of like our right or left handedness. source
Well technically, if it hasn’t changed since 1984 it has also not changed since 1985
A foot is defined as 0,3048 meter. They use the metric system, but with a conversion.
This is one of the most underrated abilities. I advice everyone to do this:
Pick a bird that is common in your country or other areas you visit. Learn it’s song. Soon you’ll start to hear it everywhere and begin noticing variations around different locations. I did this with the chaffinch.
It’s really funny to hear their dialects. Now, I’m definitely not skilled enough to pinpoint a bird based on its accent. But I do notice differences and it is thorough enjoyable, every time.
That’s a pretty weird F, Bulgaria…