Dude Coven sounds like oven.
I’m on your side, but comments like these are nonsense and help nobody.
They completely whiffed on the most important and obvious part. That whole article could be replaced by the words “THEY’RE TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE”.
Get a dog. It makes this so much more enjoyable. Sharing it with a little ball of excitement.
Sure do this. But maybe at the same time see where these western manufacturers are profiting excessively and get that under control too because these electric cars are too damn expensive. At least here in the US they are.
Oof, RIP that once clean civic hatch.
I wish we would investigate when prices were artificially high too.
Well he was great until he started sprinkling his shitty political opinions into all of his videos. I watched him for years and the anti Vax nonsense and his support for the the trucker idiots crossed a line for me. He could have kept all of that shit to himself but like most people his age he just can’t.
747 F16 Piper Comanche
A320 Mig 15 AN2
737 Russian thing RV4
Concord F35 C172
777 SU27? RV6A
Fokker tri motor Caravan?