You need to surround the Arby’s with a kilometer square spike field or I’m getting my roast beef sandwich.
We asked ourselves, why couldn’t handlebars function like a car’s cockpit?
Isn’t this just a cycle computer? I have a cycle computer that clicks into place on my bars. It navigates and connects to sensors like pedal cadence sensors, power meters, heart rate monitors, it displays speed. All while being removable so I can easily charge it or just not bring it when I don’t need those functions.
Damn, you’re supposed to call a doctor after just 4 hours
This is super cool! I wish I did stuff like this when I was a kid. Tell Lim I like his drawing style and humor. And for the parent: keep this stuff and show it at his wedding.
You’re thinking of 50mm. 5mm is like a quarter inch
Probably people just died
Thank you. So many people are ready claim conspiracy just because conspiracy is more comfortable for them. Is it really that hard to believe that the police threw way more resources than normal into this case? Their purpose (IMO) is to preserve existing power structures. Of course a CEO murder is top priority. Is it really that hard to believe that a person who just murdered a guy might do a few irrational things after?
Wasn’t the manifesto (and the silencer) found after searching his apartment?
It’s already being spread everywhere by news and whatnot. Might as well have it shared with a different context to reframe people’s associations with the guy.
Solid Edge has a “Relationship Assistant” tool that I want to use IRL
I’ve recently made this decision with my lifelong closest friend. I’ve known about his changing views for a while but its really hard to let go of a friend I’ve had for 15 years. I justified it to myself because I wanted to make sure he had my perspective around and I thought he was starting to mellow out. Turns out he was just learning to avoid politics around his friends.
It came to a head when I moved to a new city and he stayed with me for 2 weeks. After hanging with my local friends for a year, I realized I was always avoiding the elephant in the room with him. When I introduced him to my friends, I realized I was really hoping he wouldn’t say anything crazy. I was really hoping my trans friend wouldn’t show up in case he decided to make that a focal point. He’s been “getting more religious” (dominionist, christo-fascist). And I can tell he’s still disguising himself even when we talk openly about politics and religion.
More recently, two other friends stayed with me for a week. They’re also long-time friends with the first guy. We all collectively realized that we were much more comfortable around each other than we were around him. I was excited to introduce them to my local friends. I never had to pick my words or hold my tongue. So I’m going low contact with him. It sucks but I can’t call someone a friend that has such fundamentally opposed values to my own. If it were just a difference in how much taxation is the right amount or how healthcare should be administered, I could look past it. But he’s gone pretty authoritarian and believes some of my other friends shouldn’t exist. I can’t reconcile that.
“here” is beehaw, which is a bit more sane. You’re probably thinking of
You just equated blocking c/politics with being broadly pro status quo. You can be politically engaged and active and not like the discussions on c/politics.
I used to live in Japan and I had an in-line gas water heater. Outside the bathroom and kitchen was a thermostat for the hot water. I just set the temp for a good shower and blasted the hot water. It was bliss. America really needs to catch up with Japan in bathroom tech in general.