I’m so sick of these bloodthirty zionist bastards running everything
I’m so sick of these bloodthirty zionist bastards running everything
I mean to really change whether third parties work in the US we need systemic changes and regulations to the voting structure because getting a populist movement stateside is nigh impossible. The only reason to vote for someone that doesn’t represent you halfway is to hopefully prevent the person who doesn’t represent you at all from getting in.
We would really need changes to how voting is done on a regulation level to see the viability of federal 3rd parties. Some States do ranked choice which has really boosted 3rd party viability. I’d like to see that or something similar to it on a federal level.
It’s less a vote for Trump and more a lack of a vote for the party that can realistically defeat him. I wish 3rd parties were a viable federal election option. But they aren’t yet to a point where they can realistically win in the US.
So the sentiment that not voting, or voting for a guaranteed loss is a vote for the worse of the two parties with a chance to win isn’t entirely without merit, it’s just poorly phrased. It means that if you fail to vote for the person that can win over the worse candidate, you have given the worse candidate a better opportunity to win.
Maturity plays a much more important role than age. Some people are never fit to marry, some have what it takes by the time they are 16/17. It’s not often that it plays out well for the youngest ones, and since each year brings new experiences and understandings each year moves along the bell curve of “marriage readiness”. So is it more likely that a 24 year old is more ready for marriage than a 18 year old. Yes. Is it guaranteed? No. I know some 50/60 year olds that still aren’t ready for marriage. They just never learned the skills it takes to have a healthy marriage. Giving an age as a hard cutoff is too arbitrary a measure. Age doesn’t guarantee shit.
Any of them that don’t have drm schemes in them.
It performs no better than existing formats and only serves to fracture format adoption and usage with no benefit. In fact it has costlier compression, and currently has exploited vulnerabilities with a cvss over 8. If you have no techical interest in the subject, you could at least not be an asshole.
I use an extension that automatically converts it. I can’t stand webp
FLAC master race check in.
Go for the bulk discount.
I submit for consideration the Monty Python screensavers which were actually playable games.
Died the first time I saw this. I wish he’d kept up his hobby. It’s hilarious.
That’s an awesome suggestion. It didn’t work out for me though. The page never loaded. Probably a conflict with one of my extensions.
One sure sign that you’re not masculine, is doing things to show others how masculine you are.