Not even very surprising. The dark and/or broody scenes tend to be a lot less serious than they look. To give an example I saw: At last year’s Wave Gotik Treffen (a huge goth event) there were plenty of posters for broody bands – and in between them there was one for the German Hevisaurus spinoff advertising their new song about bubblegum.
And then someone went around and put googly eyes on all the posters. That’s also pretty on-brand for the scene.
And also ells, rods, cubits, paces, furlongs, oxgangs, lots, batmans… all with subtly different regional definitions (with regions sometimes as small as one village).
People used loosely defined measurements based on things like their own body parts or how much land they guessed their ox could plow on an average day. Things like mathematical convenience or precision were not all that important; being able to measure (or estimate) without tools was.