Is this the next glitter bomb/ fart spray porch pirate trap?
Is this the next glitter bomb/ fart spray porch pirate trap?
Is it easy to find in the dark?
The kind named after an European town?
So when a guy asks if I want to see a large ‘quarter note’…?
It’s not what he represents. It’s not the same person. You want what the other guy represents. Unless you’re talking about the hoodie and backpack combo, in which case I have no idea what that represents.
The more times they require a sign in, the more places they can track you across anonymous/ private tabs.
Must be the same group that votes for trump.
Some of these artists are so remarkable - truly masters of their craft to turn marble into cloth, flesh and sinew. I also refer ‘winged victory of samothrace’, ‘the rape of prosephina’, ‘laocoon’ and, more recently, the contemporary guy who makes realistic pillows out of marble.
Good catch! I did not notice that little detail.
Are these properly weighted bows or does she have serious toe grip strength to draw the bowstring like that?
You need to come to Malaysia. Here people indicate left, then turn right.
Only if it’s blinking. That indicates your headlight fluid needs topping up - it’s the stuff that helps the auto levelling system work. Depending on the model, yould either need to drive slowly to an authorized dealer, or being the vehicle to a stop entirely and phone for roadside assistance. Just make sure you get the silicone based replacement - your pump and reservoir will thank you later.
Where can I absorb some of that forever cocaine?
You sure about that? His brain is smooth as a bowling ball, and about as dense.
I’ll only vote for trump if he wasn’t an uninformed, incompetent, narcissist rapist and general ass of a person.
Import. Reverse engineer. Clone. Repeat.
*in trump’s USA