I had a guy (political science student) explain that slave owners have responsibility too. And if they don’t own slaves how are they supposed to earn money?
I had a guy (political science student) explain that slave owners have responsibility too. And if they don’t own slaves how are they supposed to earn money?
If I hear “bUt MoNkEyS oPeN tHeM fRoM tHe BotTom” again I will shit a semi truck. Wild monkeys do not eat bananas. Why would monkeys be the authority on bananas?? Because they are depicted that way? Would you ask a mouse how to eat cheese because they are drawn as cheese fans in cartoons? Well no, they eat fruit and grain and shit. Humans created the Cavendish banana. Monkeys were not taken into consideration when we frankensteined modern bananas together.
Sounds like you haven’t tried enough shit. If you don’t like something healthy just eat it again. If you eat something enough times you will eventually like it. Not liking healthy food is for the weak minded.
These are probably the least safe foods for me. I can feel the oil just looking at the picture. Sometimes it’s hard for me to have a hot plate of food in front of me because of the fumes. Knowing that the smell and the oil are clinging to me.
It’s a double boss fight with Adam Smith and John Locke
They get paid more because they know everything there is to know about agricultural law or some shit and you know how to screen share.
it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing it’s not stealing
I just realised we pronounce Burger like Böaga
If a battle can not be won do not fight it.
If you police it it’s not a cultural thing. If it was just a cultural thing than we could just let the * slowly die out. But banning language hinders progress. And I’m sorry, but the German language is constantly shifting and changing. There have even been multiple planned changes that went pretty well in recent history. Using English words might have been a big change back then, but now it’s really common. The first terms for mobile were things like “Taschentelefon” (pocket telephone), “drahtloses Telephone” (wireles telephone) or the one that is still in use “Mobiltelefon” (mobile phone). None of these seem outlandish to me.
I 100% agree that it’s not perfect. Still, banning an attempt at being inclusive is clearly not about how impractical it can be. And even if it were, policing language is stupid 9 times out of 10.
Or medication or hygiene products or toys or actually anything. The store is not paying me to care.
Time for a sentence that really uses all letters. At least all the letters from latin scripts. So give me some Þ and some ß.
Arkham Batman. Or the lego Batman.
It’s like he’s the rizzler and I’m sticking out all my dedication and worship.
I get aid by the government for being a university student and the studend housing is extremely cheap
Bro where do you live? In prison? Who is forcing you to wake up and go outside? Start depression maxing. Move to a one room apartment alone and never leave again.
I think insanely rich is probably the worst thing on the list. How are you immortal and the smartest person alive and still broke? You should find ways to make a fortune easily oorr if you really want to change something you can use your power to actually improve the system in the long-term and not just profit yourself.