Safety inspectors are my homies, wtf
Safety inspectors are my homies, wtf
Oh my bad, I misread the domain extension. I could see “Lemmy.bal-” and then it cuts off on Voyager. I read that as “.bla-”
You’re on blahaj, which has, hexbear, and Lemmy grad all defederated. Obvi seems some of the users here are also browsing LM instances.
Engagement mugs.
The others are awkward, but the engagement mugs actively fuck everything up worse by adding another human into the equation.
Even without the other human, you have a mug dangling off yours, getting in the way.
And even if you break one of the mugs off, you still are left with a mug with an awkward handle.
We should not show sympathy to those ‘just following orders’. It is exactly that mindset which allows terrible things to be committed by normal individuals. It will not be forgiven in the future, and we should make no excuses for it now.
Huh, I would’ve guessed that the big concern if crashes increase would be that more people would die.
Of course, how could I forget about profits! /j
Opposums have a natural reflex of gnashing teeth and hissing when threatened, but they are very difficult to agitate enough to get them to bite. Additionally, they play dead if they become to stressed, so your bite window is pretty small.
Both parts are made up. We originally used sex and gender synonymously, but in the 70s as it was becoming clear to biologists that human biology did not fit cleanly into two distinct sexes, John Money and Robert Stroller both contributed in seperating sex and gender from one another as two distinct concepts.
This was more to salvage the concept of sex, and in Stoller’s case, it was additionally to endorse the idea that you could change someone’s gender identity with conversion therapy.
It reality, biology does not fit neatly into sexes, psychology does not fit neatly into genders, and this terminology is explicitly used to try and constrain how the conversation of self-expression occurs.
Well you read the least frequently changing part first, the year, because if you read the seconds first, then the thing’s already changed before you’ve even finished reading it. /s
I did my own search to confirm, with no limitation to a single instance, since I don’t exclusively digest I sorted by hot on the voyager app. I’ve included links for posterity and to avoid this being a they-said-they-said situation.
The majority of comments about tankies appear to come from and all of these are used in a traditional sense. In fact, a good portion of the comments are actually different summarizations of the traditional definition.
The first post comment I see from mentioning `tankie’ is from @OmegaLemmy 7 hours ago on lemmyshitpost, who is calling out another user who chose to partake in whataboutism rather than acknowledge the USSR’s homophobia. This accused user then doubles down and shoots back with “I don’t really care. I think the USSR had a lot of unique positive things”.
The post comment you mention equivocating being left of Biden as being a tankie; I think I found, pleas confirm for me. That one is from @Octagon9561 11 hours ago on a post in Octagon9561 seems to be claiming to be a victim of anticommunism, or a “red scare” in the comments. a different user essentially says “no, you are just disgusting”. Then we see Octogan9561 state the comment, pairing it with an /s. This reads like a standard tankie again muddying the waters and claiming that people are just throwing the term around willy nilly, which, again, the majority of comments that search has brought up are traditional use.
I also opened search on firefox here are the first posts comments shown, yours and mine minimized, sorted by new:
I’ll post this comment now but I’m gonna continue scrolling through search looking for any cases of misuse. I am still seeing that if misuse is happening, it’s rare enough to not hit my feed, and much more rare than individuals claiming people are misusing the term.
Edit 6: noticed I was saying ‘posts’ during initial comment when I was really searching comments initially. Corrected, and fixed a typo.
EDIT: Alright, now I’ve switched to sort by local new only an, and here are the first 10 links in order:
They’re blocked because they’re tankies, not because they’re left (I’m not even sure tankies can be considered left wing, as much as they claim to be).
(And others because of trolling; and others yet haven’t been blocked, they defederated themselves.)
I am really not seeing your claim holding water currently.
EDIT 2: I searched top of all time for all instances, via again, here’s the screenshot:
again, this claim is not showing up on The most recent comment is 2 months ago, and the oldest is from 2 years ago, and having scrolled through all of it, none of these use the term ‘tankie’ nontraditionally. Only a couple could prove otherwise in context, which I am still determining whether they do or do not.
EDIT 3: both comments which were ambiguous about whether they were using tankie traditionally showed that they were in fact using tankie traditionally. not a single comment in the first page all time top on currently has a case of tankie being misused.
EDIT 4: I just did that same search directly on to see whether the difference in instances was causing a difference in comments - the first page of results are nearly identical:
You are going to need to actually bring receipts at this point if you want me to believe that there was a widespread issue with people misusing the term ‘tankie’ at some point. EDIT 5: I’ve gone over to posts now and searched all time to find the second, 10th, 12th, and 16th post you mentioned. Here is a screenshot of those results
Your reading of the second post seems disingenuous to me. No one actually wanted Biden, but it was an obvious fact that every front of leftist activism would be cracked down on by Trump, so having Biden in office would have at least meant little to no increased difficulty. That is why many leftists still insisted on voting for Biden. It was also a common conspiracy that tankies were pedalling the ‘genocide joe’ narrative explicitly to try and get Trump into office in order to weaken the US, hence the title.
This exact same sentiment is again presented in the 10th post.
The 12th post is not necessarily about the election at all, but instead is strictly an attack on LGBT+ tankies, since tankies were very active during the election cycle. The post is most likely referencing the fact that Stalin walked back rights for homosexuals in 1933. Tankies still often espouse Stalinist apologia, and seemingly want a revolution which would create a Stalinist/ML regime in the US. The post is pointing out the irony of LGBT+ tankies advocating for an authoritarian state that they would very likely be persecuted in.
the 16th post is a truncated quote of MLK, though not that truncated. here is the unabridged quote with context. Overall I agree here: the use of tankie is likely misused here, though again it’s not really attacking leftists, since the message is leftist itself. The only way I can see it making sense with traditional meaning is if the implication is that the authoritarianism in the USSR, Russia, China, and NK created an elite which immense wealth while the rest of the population lived in squalor - I think that is a stretch overall.
I understand the context of this is from Charles Dickens, but another interpretation I’ve gleaned from it is how we as a collective have forged our own chains.
Not only in the state structure that we uphold lest we be struck down by it, but also in arbitrary norms which we all force each other to conform to. It can be understood both as ‘we’ as individuals reaping what we sow, but also ‘we’ as a society imprisoning ourselves together in our own construct.
Never before has ‘I know a guy who knows a guy who has a friend that heard that this guy said this’ been so well documented.
Best I have for the quote is from which states that this did not come from Jodie Foster. That was the last J. Foster I was expecting this to be attributed to.
These are cults of personality which revolve around dead men and their supposed successors, ripe for manipulation.
I think it was Frank Herbert who stated that he wrote the Dune series as a cautionary tale against charismatic leaders.
I have almost never seen anyone use it in a nontraditional sense. What I have seen are people on hexbear and other ML instances try to muddy the water and imply that people will call anyone tankies.
This behavior is very similar to when neonazis accuse others of misusing the terms fascist or Nazi when they are rightly called such.
If you have examples of people using tankie incorrectly, please link. If you don’t have examples, please document the next time you see it happen and correct the person’s misuse.
EDIT: I’ve gone ahead and done some cursory searching in this comment. Please share that comment if this claim is brought up again by someone else. This claim needs to be proven or falsified, as it keeps being brought up over and over without any receipts being shown.
No longer Agent Orange.
He’s President Orange.
This joke is now 8 years late.
Don’t try to Cook, it’s gotta be bloomy!
I’m drainin’ the whey, cuttin’ the rind, give it a taste please tell me it’s fine!
I am guessing they may mean “down range” but couldn’t fit it on the sign, so they put “in range”?