SpongeBob stayed underwater. He still has to work and has a lot on his plate.
I’d love to have a job where I get paid to work with excel the whole day. Not kidding.
I came for this.
(That’s what she said)
I love “answers” like that.
When my wife was a child, they made nativity scenes at school for Christmas. In my wife’s result, Mary and Joseph were standing very far away from the manger. When asked why they were so far away, my wife replied, “Because I stuck them there.”
Diese Kommentarsektion ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
THAT’S the question!
Many of these people would probably answer that governments are actually just puppets of the global pharmaceutical industry.
And Bill Gates.
And then when you die in 50 years after a long and healthy life: “I told you so!”
WeLl tHe GoVeRnMeNt cHaNgEd ThE pLaN BeCaUsE tHe TrUtH WaS uNcOvErEd.
“The blue-ringed octopus, despite its small size, carries enough venom to kill 26 adult humans within minutes. Their bites are tiny and often painless, with many victims not realizing they have been envenomated until respiratory depression and paralysis begins.[11] No blue-ringed octopus antivenom is available.[12]”
Ok. Then I’d rather have a dog.
The syringes also seem to be very, very small.
Oh man, I’ve seen that damn Trump face so many times now that I even see it here. Although the comparison to a burning world also fits.
I saw this before and if I remember correctly, it’s more like 87°.
I know I’m pretty much alone on that, but it annoys me that this person is getting so much attention again.
Edit: Ok, I’m not entirely alone with this.