if you useanything alphabet like chromium, then YOU are the problem.
if you useanything alphabet like chromium, then YOU are the problem.
this brexit thing seems to have worked really well, hasnt it? not enough workers, still hating brown people…who to blame now?
boggles my mind. buuuut europe is on a great way to fail there too. I think the swedish fully privatized school system is an utter failure…but it will take time to come to full effect. sweden is doomed.
while supercharged in one specific field during education, general knowledge of the world outside of said field is near zero.
and then education even ends. no real vocational training.
who’d they be voting for to rejoin? i am not aware of any labourpartymove or even an english politician with a backbone. or will their king make them join? this is really confusing coz if it was a democratic country there would a pro join-the-eu party. so murdoch rules the UK, not the people over there.
GREAT britain
they are a security risk in the first place as that democracy just said. there should be freedom to ask for the release of their names for sure. fuck russia anytime.
publish their names and pics so we can throw the orcs out!
fuck ruZZia
Nukular iS fReNChs contribution to stop climate change LOL
they werent.
anything, even garbage, is better than AKP people.
Kılıçdaroğlu should have won but turkey is weak like the people.
the war&postwar generation ate all the KfW money and tell everyone it was their work that rebuild germany.
it did not. not only cant the boomers evwn pay for their own pensions they also left a hefty debt.
the atlantic is stupid to think the 70s and 80s crisis"s were mastered because of the german attitude and great work. it wasnt. pensions were spent, debts were created. the only thing that changed since ww2 is that they forgot to keep theirs mouths shut. work is still the same, but the money is gone. at no point in time germany was exceptional - that is the fuel to the far right…to think germams were any good. war criminals were ministers, traumatized facists became teachers… that entire german rebuild is based on the money of other people.
do they know mobile phones exist? responsive with a chance of not being able to read anything.
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