It’s a start for sure. Just think of the windfall of cash that could be funneled to the DoD! Think of how much money could be unaccounted for during the audits.
It’s a start for sure. Just think of the windfall of cash that could be funneled to the DoD! Think of how much money could be unaccounted for during the audits.
Up until the 70s or 80s I think, in the United States, the top tax bracket was 90%.
Nah, fits my shoulders and arms great. I’ve just got a narrow waist. Everything for me weird.
If you really are looking for a hoodie: 1620.
Prices are high, they’re very proud of their products. Their work pants aren’t worth it, garbage*. Both pairs I bought don’t come close to my Wrangler for durability.
However, their hoodie is pretty dope. It’s long, and the hood is huge. A proper functioning hood, I can pull it down to my nose. Buttons instead of string. It’s thick & warm. Only downside is it’s long, and I’m 6’1", it falls below my ass. The waist is also wide, or my waist is just more narrow than the average tradesman they’re targeting.
Yeah, Gerber fell the fuck off. They became just sloppy.
I feel Leatherman has stayed the course.
Complaining is a tool. Talking is a tool. Leads to acting and organizing. Guillotines don’t spontaneously form from the aether.
This kills everyone near by, and might bring down the building.
My first thought also. Not only am I not tipping, I am suing for the painful, immediate and permanent hearing loss.
That’s never explicitly stated in the movie. I believe it’s hinted at just enough to make you wonder. Which in turn makes you wonder what even makes a human person. In the sequel I think they pretty heavily lean on him being human.
Cockroaches are bad in my neighborhood, walk the dogs at night and you see them scurrying across the sidewalks.
I sprinkle DE all around the outside edges of my house, especially any nooks or gaps, paying attention to porches and doors; it goes under and behind the stove, fridge, shelves, etc.
Besides a few spiders, flies and mosquitoes I get no critters in my place.
How does Dune reference something that doesn’t yet exist?
And it’s about fucking time.
No we don’t. The USPS is not tax funded, it is self funded by shipping costs and stamp sales.