Called in via SIP or unencrypted mobile network, i bet. Probably because the client via VPN was “too slow”
Called in via SIP or unencrypted mobile network, i bet. Probably because the client via VPN was “too slow”
They even have their own Matrix Messenger they could have used…
Why not both?
It they used the client, yes. But in you dial in via sip, that opens up so many ways to screw up. Old software, open wifi, legacy hardware, you name it.
Preacher, the series adaption. Could have used the comic, but no, Seth Rogen had to butcher it.
Sean Connerys last movie, too. He did not deserve that.
Always apropriate preacher comic.
I like both. The novels are good, but would not work today - they have been writen in the 50s and it Shows.
The series might have slow points, but I really like the emperors and the genetic dynasty, great storytelling device.
It’s only from 8:30 to 16:00 - so you should be fine? It looks like it is targeted at all the cruise ship visitors
No, I don’t think I will.
Because, in the golden days of ads, your metrics were bullshit. You had a print ad and someone said that they sold this many issues and, because of the papers totally not biased market research the told you that for every paper sold, x more people saw your ad. Same with TV and Radio, most numbers around viewers or listeners are basically made up with some fancy statistics.
With the Internet, suddenly you had hard data - your ad has been requested x times. But, that data was always below the fancy print/tv/radio numbers, so the companies had to either push more or reduce prices. That’s how they designed more and more intrusive ads like the ones with the shitty hidden close icon. The longer you need to close it, the longer is the “ad viewed” metric. The more you click on fake X buttons, the higher is the click rate or click through rate. Ad metrics have always been a scam and no one wants to change it.
I always go back further. 1642 or 1865 for example
Steckst nicht drin
Right? Currently, the most accepted payment Systems are under the control of us companies. Having a European alternative (even a shitty one) would not be the worst thing.
Obsidian.md beats all the other note taking apps. Fantastic tool
Same with Pathfinder 2 questions.
New Tribes is in early access