• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I disagree strongly on the first point. Blackface was not percieved as negative by a lot of people because they had no awareness of it’s significance, but black pete has always been a racist stereotype. It’s not “oh, this is a character who happens to be black”, it’s “this thick-lipped gold-earring wearing pitch-black person with old-timey clothes is the servant of an old bisshop”.

    This shit has always been fucked up. And we didn’t just make an easy decision to change them because some people were uncomfortable, people fought for that. And half of the people are still “bUt iTs jUsT a ChIlDrEnS hOlIdAy iS evErYthInG rAciSt tHEse DaYs?”