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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023

  • AuDHD here. I could be entirely off, but there’s two jokes I can see.

    The first is that the punchline is a non-joke, because it’s been removed.

    The second is that they’re all just as meaningless, but still repeated. Rich and attractive people always try to convince you not to question those structures because it benefits them. It’s a nothing statement. Of course they would say that. Just like [Deleted], always saying [Removed].

  • The thing about cancer is that it will eventually kill itself. It destroys the environment it lives in until it becomes uninhabitable, killing both the host environment and the cancer itself.

    So, the cancer is already going to die, it’s only a matter of if it takes us with it or not. The ONLY option for survival is to kill it before it kills us. There is no siding with cancer and hoping you won’t be affected.

    (Capitalism is the cancer, in case mods get nervous)

  • IzzyScissor@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    2 months ago

    Their bedtime story to play on repeat while they sleep:

    “Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they’re so frightfully clever. I’m awfully glad I’m a Beta, because I don’t work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don’t want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They’re too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I’m so glad I’m a Beta.”

    (Brave New World for those who don’t immediately get the reference.)

  • IzzyScissor@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneTrans trules
    3 months ago

    Enby here - the only one making me feel like I’m treated like a joke is you. Your “problems” are just victim-blaming Drag for the hate the trans community gets as a whole. Drag isn’t responsible for that, and the person repeating transphobic talking points right now is YOU.

    Right now, you’re not being an ally. Either educate yourself, or stop speaking for us.

  • IzzyScissor@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneAllyship rule
    3 months ago

    It’s a series of choices, but those choices can be misguided or wrong without maintaining communication with the group. It also easily slips into the “white savior” trope.

    Imagine a person calling themselves a queer ally while actively protesting “LGB without the T”. They are absolutely NOT an ally to the queer community, but without checking in with queer people, they wouldn’t know. Queer people then have to argue with “an ally” to get them to understand why that rhetoric is harmful, which just puts everyone further back.

    So, people can call themselves allies, but no one should believe it unless it’s been attributed to them by the group they’re allied with.

  • IzzyScissor@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneAllyship rule
    3 months ago

    While I agree with the sentiment, it’s like labelling yourself “a good neighbor” or a “best friend”. You don’t get to decide if you’re “a good neighbor” or not - your neighbors do. You don’t get to decide if you are someone’s best friend - they do. In the exact same way, you don’t get to decide if you’re an ally or not - the group that you’re allied with does.

    You can strive to be a good person and identify with being one if that label has been given to you, but certain labels, including “ally”, aren’t ones you can just give yourself.

  • IzzyScissor@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlit's that simple
    4 months ago

    The simpler the ‘fact’, the more likely it is to be an oversimplification and largely untrue.

    In this example, you have to overlook any time someone became pregnant without consent. They never chose it to begin with, so blaming them for “not taking responsibility” for something they never wanted is oversimplifying a complicated subject to the point of falsehood.

    It’s also especially funny how often this argument comes from people who, in the same breath, will talk about their savior being “of virgin birth”. You can’t argue that chastity works for everyone when it didn’t work for Mary.

  • Yeah, and they act like learning about a new skin cream on the street is going to be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as learning about a new study on “gun bans”, even though people have been studying this for decades and the results largely don’t change, only the public perception of them.

    It’s like if they showed people a new study for “Earth gravity” vs “Moon gravity” and act surprised when people don’t immediately catch on when their numbers say the moon makes you weigh more. You wouldn’t be expecting that result OR trust a random person on the street to change your view of gravity with a chart of 4 numbers.

    Yes, they found bias. Cool.

  • Alternate title: A single “study” presented from someone on the street is typically not enough to change anyone’s perspective on a subject, especially if that “study” presents “facts” that are contradictory to the listener’s previous knowledge.

    Humans aren’t rational. Humans are rationalizing. If someone on the street giving you a basic chart with 4 numbers on it is enough to change your mind, you likely didn’t have much of an opinion to begin with.