Maybe Elon and Trump just watched Code geass and they have a Zero in hold that will assissante both of them.
/s obviously
Maybe Elon and Trump just watched Code geass and they have a Zero in hold that will assissante both of them.
/s obviously
Don’t they know this is a bad idea? That’s how beached babies are made. Kojima was right all along.
This reminds of when there is an option in Dark souls 3 to dunk your head in wax and roam around like a giant fucking candle
There is a to_owned() thingy I use that for path buf shenanigans. Basically the value you create is a pointer reference short of. To_owned allocates it on memory.
Why did the coffee shop have a “Free coffee and unlimited sitting time” sign in front of it?
If you by any chance do something that goes against physics, it just means that there is more physics you didn’t know about.
I don’t think a human wrote this steaming hot piece of horsedung
Hey mods… Ever heard of free speech? People can have opinions… Let people decide by upvotes and down votes. Why the unnecessary censoring?
Neoplasia of unknown origin. That sucks dude. They will run some more flow cytometries to find the primary most probably. Stay strong my brother, and remember to eat a lot. That bitch burns a lot of carbs and proteins. Please beat it… For all of us lemmings.
I totally agree. We want to see human to human connections and not something shoved down our throats, make it believable and we will gladly like it
No there is a difference I guess. Like personally I love brooklyn nine nine and Kevin and Holt are my all time favourite couple, period. It doesn’t matter if they are gay or not, they are just perfect. But on the other hand I had to quit modern family midway because I can’t tolerate cam. Mitch is a very good character but Cam feels very over the top. Online I have seen that people just love cam and sure he has his moments too. But I cannot stand him in general. So I believe there is a psychological line for every one. Now people may differ from my opinion and I have no qualms with that, entertainment is for enjoyment and it is actually beautiful that different people have different tastes. I just shared my opinion.
And the problem is that since these dickwads want to close source their neural networks, we wasting billions of watts training on similar data sets repeatedly generating models with minor differences over and over again. If there was a truly awesome open source model, then we could train on top of it and create more complex and complex models targeted at the good of humankind. But no, stakeholders must get profits. When will they understand that the entire humanity is a stakeholder in this planet.
What if I just torture Sally not asking about the nuclear bomb and let the bomb detonate. Isn’t that a peak ethical acheive?
Is pipewire with pulse audio properly configured? Check pavucontrol and tell me if you need any more help
Sooooooooo fucking good. I was massively depressed when I played this for the first time by the great gods I cried at ending man. Me a man of 21 yrs then was bawling like a baby.
Just pure experience. I can go to war with someone if they say that any AAA game is even close enough.