Is this considered chaotic neutral
Is this considered chaotic neutral
My friend’s parents have a tiny old Chihuahua that’s super sweet to people
If their big dogs get near my friend’s mom while the Chihuahua is sitting with her she’ll go nuts (even though she weighs about 5 pounds vs the 80+ bigger dogs!)
It filters out the microscopic pasta chunks that you get to chew on if you brew it directly in the cup
I could gladly listen to a song 5000 times, but when Spotify stops shuffling my playlist and plays the same 15 songs on repeat every day for a month I start to notice and get a little bothered! Don’t get me started on enhanced shuffle, either
Noticed the meme was censored so I tried my best to fill in the blanks based on the information I had
Hope it helps
I don’t think there are that many ads, even if there were you could easily get rid of them by buying my cool Lemmy adblock that uses AI to recognize clever product placement and cover it up with a picture of dirt!
That was me reading the manual for the PS2 version of Sonic Zero Gravity my friend gave me
I didn’t have a ps2 lmao
East Coast cities have people swerving into the other side of the road because they’re texting and driving, and unfortunately I don’t have a button on my car to tell them to put their phones down in English, only car!
I can kill a mosquito by clapping my hands
The pig would probably think I’m petting it or something
Edit: for the record I mean no ill will, I just thought it was funny to say because well, mosquitos are tiny!
Don’t forget “getting 1 response to your comment”!
Fun fact, some meme generator websites use HTML canvas to show you a preview
Funner fact, you can right click on the canvas and select “copy image” to get a watermark free image (in my experience using imgflip at least)
I’ve got a dog that stays outside most of the time, she will not drink the clean water I set outside if there are any puddles in the mud and gravel
That is mud, you’re drinking mud.
Time to take this forbidden knowledge and leave a bunch of shopping carts in the Aldi parking lot
Rule #7 be mentally unstable sometimes just to keep people on their toes
I guess we’ll see what our AI overlords decide